1963 F. Kohner Affairs of Gidget 57: You’ve got it made in the shade. You’re making the scene with an all-time timer.at all-timer, n.
1963 F. Kohner Affairs of Gidget 38: He’s only going ape over one, Lolita. But you’re trying to get all of ’em.at go ape for (v.) under ape, adj.
1963 F. Kohner Affairs of Gidget 25: ‘Take the bike.’ ‘Applesauce,’ said Mimsy. ‘Take the bus.’.at applesauce!, excl.
1963 F. Kohner Affairs of Gidget 113: ‘You makin’ too much noise baby-doll,’ Ollie chuckled.at baby-doll (n.) under baby, n.
1963 F. Kohner Affairs of Gidget 76: What a fabulous, sensational, slam-bang evening.at slam-bang, adj.
1963 F. Kohner Affairs of Gidget 70: When I set it down in cold type I feel barfy and embarrassed.at barfy (adj.) under barf, n.
1963 F. Kohner Affairs of Gidget 69: I was all ready to go, but determined to control my eager-beaverishness.at eager-beaverishness (n.) under eager beaver, adj.
1963 F. Kohner Affairs of Gidget 78: I asked her blankety-blank: ‘Did he kiss you?’.at blankety-blank, phr.
1963 F. Kohner Affairs of Gidget 40: The Mainfarer bonehouse has a further advantage.at bone-house (n.) under bone, n.1
1963 F. Kohner Affairs of Gidget 70: Such a scream of joy that you’d have thought someone had gone stark in a loony bin.at stark staring bonkers, adj.
1963 F. Kohner Affairs of Gidget 69: Your lover boy [...] That real doll of a second lieutenant.at lover-boy, n.
1963 F. Kohner Affairs of Gidget 62: He won’t ask questions, so I won’t shoot him the bull.at shoot the bull (v.) under bull, n.6
1963 F. Kohner Affairs of Gidget 99: All this South Seas bullsugar.at bull-sugar (n.) under bull, n.6
1963 F. Kohner Affairs of Gidget 50: I thought it cinched on account of my past experience, but the manager turned me down.at cinch, v.
1963 F. Kohner Affairs of Gidget 62: He’s living in fat city [...] accosted by all the hot tickets in college town to hit the sack with them.at fat city, n.1
1963 F. Kohner Affairs of Gidget 78: They served us some vino that was classic, and we had the greatest pizza.at classic, adj.
1963 F. Kohner Affairs of Gidget 112: Don’t get bombed before I clue you in on something.at clue (someone) in (v.) under clue, v.
1963 F. Kohner Affairs of Gidget 72: You’re not shooting the crap?at shoot (the) crap (v.) under crap, n.1
1963 F. Kohner Affairs of Gidget 31: And I thought my old man was a libertine. Compared to this doll, Dr. Gottfried Hofer was a hard-shell Ammanite.at doll, n.1