1807 H. Tufts Autobiog. (1930) 293: To go upon the bonny lay . . . to undertake highway robbery.at bonny lay, n.
1807 H. Tufts Autobiog. (1930) 293: Crack the qua signifies break the jail. [...] To crack a crabkin signifies to break a shoemaker’s shop.at crack, v.2
1807 H. Tufts Autobiog. (1930) 293: To do him of his blowen signifies to rob him of his wife.at do, v.1
1807 H. Tufts Autobiog. (1930) 293: To star a glaze signifies to cut out a square of glass.at star the glaze (v.) under glaze, n.
1807 H. Tufts Autobiog. (1930) 293: douse the glin [sic] put out the light.at douse the glim (v.) under glim, n.
1807 H. Tufts Autobiog. (1930) 293: Napping his bib signifies crying.at nap one’s bib (v.) under nap, v.1