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The Hustling Hobo choose

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[UK] D. Lawley Hustling Hobo 186: That is all. Nuff said.
at nuff ced, phr.
[UK] D. Lawley Hustling Hobo 77: The boys smiled and chaffed, but none dare to refer to the lady known as Pie Face.
at chaff, v.
[UK] D. Lawley Hustling Hobo 78: ‘Better come out cookee,’ hailed the foreman.
at cookee, n.
[UK] D. Lawley Hustling Hobo 201: Well I’ll be gosh-darned!
at I’ll be darned! (excl.) under darn, v.
[UK] D. Lawley Hustling Hobo 254: [to a man] Oh! you beautiful doll, you great big-hic-beautiful doll. Some stage driver I guess. You bet I am!
at doll, n.1
[UK] D. Lawley Hustling Hobo 340: She and I jest went right into double harness most a year ago.
at double harness (n.) under double, adj.
[UK] D. Lawley Hustling Hobo 253: Better come and have a drain if yer wants to.
at drain, n.1
[UK] D. Lawley Hustling Hobo 77: The boys smiled and chaffed, but none dare to refer to the lady known as Pie Face.
at pie-face, n.
[UK] D. Lawley Hustling Hobo 285: They move as tramps or hoboes, and are referred to by the more comfortable classes as ’boes or ‘pesky go-abouts’.
at go-about (n.) under go, v.
[UK] D. Lawley Hustling Hobo 76: Amongst all the darned galoots of a cow camp these galdarned cooks are the worst in the whole damned shooting match.
at goldarned, adj.
[UK] D. Lawley Hustling Hobo 114: ‘Got anything on the hip, Dan,’ says he.
at have something on the hip (n.) under hip, n.3
[UK] D. Lawley Hustling Hobo 288: Dante was warped somehow. He must have got a jolt at some time which gave him one big kink about women and women worship. Maybe others had it afore him, that kink, but sireee, give me Omar every time. He’s got all the goods! [...] Old Khayyam has got Dante all chewed up and beaten to a frazzle.
at kink, n.3
[UK] D. Lawley Hustling Hobo 259: Came here as a plain mucker and knew nobody in the country.
at mucker, n.1
[UK] D. Lawley Hustling Hobo 293: Unionism is the craziest darned buiness on earth, and the way it’s carried on in this man’s land makes it a mugwumping business.
at mugwumping (adj.) under mugwump, n.
[UK] D. Lawley Hustling Hobo 234: You been down to Midway shooting your head off about there being no coal.
at shoot off one’s head (v.) under shoot off, v.
[UK] D. Lawley Hustling Hobo 76: Now you’re in cow camp all darned perky like as though you had come special.
at perky, adj.
[UK] D. Lawley Hustling Hobo 112: The whole darned shebang was rotten with clap and syphilis, and lousy with whores and tin-horn gamblers.
at whole shebang, n.
[UK] D. Lawley Hustling Hobo 234: It’s no skin off our backs if there ain’t no coal.
at no skin off one’s nose under skin, n.1
[UK] D. Lawley Hustling Hobo 248: Bret contined to ‘shoot his head off’ about the ‘wild-cat’ scheme, for he was out to spread the truth.
at wildcat, adj.
[UK] D. Lawley Hustling Hobo 76: Say, yonker!
at younker, n.
[UK] G. Sheehy Hustling 50: Legs is what a man looks for...and you got one hellifying pair of legs [HDAS].
at hellifying, adj.
[UK] G. Sheehy Hustling 42: A blue-noser’s battle against sexual liberation [HDAS].
at bluenoser, n.
[UK] G. Sheehy Hustling 45: Nothing but dipsy drunks [HDAS].
at dipsy, adj.1
[UK] G. Sheehy Hustling 179: I’m very nice, dullhead.
at dullhead (n.) under dull, adj.
[UK] G. Sheehy Hustling 21: The best sources were the eyes on the street: all-night counter men, hotel staffers, newshawks .
at news hawk (n.) under news, n.
[UK] G. Sheehy Hustling 113: Intimidated, his top woman must either match them or recruit even fresher talent to supplement her own earnings.
at top woman (n.) under top, adj.
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