1985 E. Leonard Glitz 129: Don’t go back, Fran, it’s all artsy-craftsy over there now.at artsy-craftsy, adj.
1985 E. Leonard Glitz 75: She’ll put the fucking people to sleep. Couple of sets like that, they go beddy-bye.at beddy-bye, n.
1985 E. Leonard Glitz 202: He fixed two rum-and-cokes then, emptying a street-lude cap into Iris’s – eighty milligrams of Valium to take off her edge – and brought their drinks out to the living room.at cap, n.4
1985 E. Leonard Glitz 276: All this hip shit [...] The casino business, all this razzle-dazzle. All the people thinking they know everything.at razzle-dazzle, n.
1985 E. Leonard Glitz 2: He should have [...] screamed in the guy’s face to hit the deck, now, or he was fucking dead.at hit the deck (v.) under deck, n.1
1985 E. Leonard Glitz 229: Whoever was with her the night she was killed, that’s the guy you want to shake down, for Christ sake.at shake down, v.
1985 E. Leonard Glitz 354: Very tight with the exec, you understand, had worked for him before.at exec, n.
1985 E. Leonard Glitz 177: I’ve known her ever since Vegas. She’s really smart, you know, to get where she is. Up there in the Eye in the Sky. [Ibid.] 244: Look down through one-way smoked glass at the casino floor [...] ‘The Eye in the Sky,’ Nancy said.at eye in the sky (n.) under eye, n.
1985 E. Leonard Glitz 252: Didn’t matter if he got dumped on or made to look a fool by some Eyetie.at Eyetie, n.
1985 E. Leonard Glitz 193: They never go into any detail, they say here’s the name of the fink, do him.at fink, n.
1985 E. Leonard Glitz 8: Pissing in an alley when a girl comes along? Pretend you don’t see her and give her a flash?at flash, n.1
1985 E. Leonard Glitz 151: She decides to do some business there and gets a freak wants to ball her hanging off the fucking balcony or some fucking thing.at freak, n.1
1985 E. Leonard Glitz 122: These guys, they get on their roll, I don’t even know what they’re playing. They’re spazzed out on ganja anyway, they don’t give a shit, they’re gone.at gone, adj.1
1985 E. Leonard Glitz 121: They’re beating on everything but a washboard and a gutbucket.at gutbucket, n.1
1985 E. Leonard Glitz 149: Slow husky voice with that South Philly street guinea accent, that tough-guy shit they learned when they were kids.at tough-guy, adj.
1985 E. Leonard Glitz 148: Had he stayed there in Ismailiya, man his size, he’d be loading ships ’stead of [...] working for this little Hymie fool.at Hymie, adj.
1985 E. Leonard Glitz 114: Rainy night, wind blowing [...] you want to go a few blocks on Pacific, you hop a jitney, six bits.at jitney, n.
1985 E. Leonard Glitz 260: She told him about Tommy’s drinking, his macho jock attitude.at jock, adj.
1985 E. Leonard Glitz 306: The narky-looking cop from Miami was sitting in his office and he was trying very hard to be cordial.at narky, adj.