1903 A.H. Lewis Boss 195: You’re setting into a game of commerce where the limit’s higher than a cat’s back.at higher than a cat’s back, adj.
1903 A.H. Lewis Boss 182: I’m as much entitled to get action on it in favor of myself as a bank has to shave a note.at shave a note, v.
1903 A.H. Lewis Boss 275: ‘He would seek worse resorts?’ ‘It’s a cinch, Madam!’ ‘And he’d be murdered?’ ‘Madam, it’s apples to ashes!’.at apples to ashes (n.) under apple, n.1
1903 A.H. Lewis Boss 192: ‘Will he then return to his drunkenness?’ asked the Reverend Bronson. ‘Sure as you’re alive!’ [Ibid.] 274: Inside of ninety days you’ll fish him out o’ th’ river; you will, as sure as I’m a foot high!at sure as you’re a foot high under sure as..., phr.
1903 A.H. Lewis Boss 209: You may not be of account to others, but you’re the whole box of tricks to yourself.at whole bag of tricks, the, n.
1903 A.H. Lewis Boss 186: You can tell by th’ way they go to bat, whether th’ Blackberry has signed up to them to kill our franchise.at go to bat (v.) under bat, v.
1903 A.H. Lewis Boss 34: Another yeep, an’ the boat’s waitin’ for you! You’ve been due at the Island for some time.at boat, n.1
1903 A.H. Lewis Boss 13: The house he’s talking about [...] ain’t no tavern. It’s a boozin’ ken for crimps and thieves.at bousing-ken, n.
1903 A.H. Lewis Boss 119: Let’s cut out th’ polite prelim’naries [...] an’ come down to tacks. How much stuff do you feel like blowin’ in?at get down to brass tacks (v.) under brass tacks, n.
1903 A.H. Lewis Boss 165: When you do get th’ stuff, don’t go to buildin’ brownstone fronts, an’ buyin’ trottin’ horses.at brownstone front, n.
1903 A.H. Lewis Boss 172: A sport can buck faro bank for a million as easily as for a white chip.at buck, v.2
1903 A.H. Lewis Boss 301: One honest man will put th’ whole force on th’ bum!at on a/the bum under bum, n.3
1903 A.H. Lewis Boss 89: ‘Bunco the foe!’ was the watchword; ‘take their money and “con” them!’.at bunco, v.
1903 A.H. Lewis Boss 165: I’ve been doin’ th’ bunco act so long with our three friends that my face begins to ache with lookin’ pious.at bunco, adj.
1903 A.H. Lewis Boss 191: There’s other games, like Tammany Hall for instance, where I could give you cards an’ spades.at give someone cards and spades (v.) under card, n.2
1903 A.H. Lewis Boss 372: Our party is a dope fiend; it’s a horse to a hen at that very time he can be turned up in some Chink joint.at Chink, adj.
1903 A.H. Lewis Boss 264: The w’itechoker, who passes me on to you, gets his lamps on me an’ begs me off from d’ judge.at white-choker, n.
1903 A.H. Lewis Boss 262: W’en one of ’em nipped a super or a rock, an’ wanted d’ quick dough, he brought it to me fadder, who chucked down d’ stuff an’ no questions asked.at chuck, v.2
1903 A.H. Lewis Boss 96: He grafts nights [...] an’ at this time of day it’s a cinch he’s takin’ a snooze.at cinch, n.1