1974 C. Loken Come Monday Morning 82: You don’t talk worth a shit.at worth a shit under worth a..., phr.
1974 C. Loken Come Monday Morning 135: I don’t give a fart in a whirlwind about football.at not care a fart, v.
1974 C. Loken Come Monday Morning 121: The stools were still sittin’ atop the bar ass-end down.at arse-end, n.
1974 C. Loken Come Monday Morning 36: Well, if that ain’t the cat’s ass ...! Russ Simpson, Jr., posted!at cat’s ass, n.1
1974 C. Loken Come Monday Morning 144: Be a closet drinker? Lay out in your barn dead ass drunk two-three days atta time?at dead-ass, adv.2
1974 C. Loken Come Monday Morning 6: He had to stop tryin’ to fix the tractor he broke tryin’ like a horse’s ass to buck through that big drift by the barn with the manure spreader.at horse’s ass, n.
1974 C. Loken Come Monday Morning 20: Least it made them stop their grab-assin’ an’ look over his way.at grab-ass, v.
1974 C. Loken Come Monday Morning 41: Buyin’ rounds’a drinks for the house like a man with a paper asshole, throwin’ away food outta my baby’s mouth.at have a paper asshole (v.) under asshole, n.
1974 C. Loken Come Monday Morning 30: He reached under the seat for his bottle, couldn’t put his hand on it right off the bat.at right off the bat (adv.) under bat, n.2
1974 C. Loken Come Monday Morning 110: He hadn’t started on a binge like he did most Las’ Fridays.at on a binge under binge, n.
1974 C. Loken Come Monday Morning 67: When he first started puttin’ the blocks to ’er she was already out workin’.at put the blocks to (v.) under block, n.1
1974 C. Loken Come Monday Morning 90: He barely got it up against her pumped a couple’a times before he blew all over her skirt.at blow, v.2
1974 C. Loken Come Monday Morning 54: I get me three-four screws, two-three blows a day.at blow job, n.1
1974 C. Loken Come Monday Morning 51: Them long-haired faggots nowdays don’t come bustin’ outta the backfield luggin’ that ole pig-skin like this boy use’ to.at bust out, v.2
1974 C. Loken Come Monday Morning 23: She always used proper English like that, particularly when she had something to chew on him about.at chew on (v.) under chew, v.
1974 C. Loken Come Monday Morning 144: Be a closet drinker? Lay out in your barn dead ass drunk two-three days atta time?at closet, adj.
1974 C. Loken Come Monday Morning 155: If he hadn’t let that slimy bastard cornhole ’im with that policy he’d be clear right now.at cornhole, v.
1974 C. Loken Come Monday Morning 45: One more drunk in here like the last one, old buddy, it’s all over ... all over!at drunk, n.
1974 C. Loken Come Monday Morning 96: That big dumb bunny never did have no couth at all.at dumb bunny (n.) under dumb, adj.1
1974 C. Loken Come Monday Morning 148: Andy smiled his shit-eatin’ smile leaned in patted Russ on the shoulder.at shit-eating grin, n.
1974 C. Loken Come Monday Morning 59: That rich yellowbelly Martin an’ the faggoty Jew what’s his name.at faggoty, adj.
1974 C. Loken Come Monday Morning 113: You been fuckin’ up somethin’ fierce these las’ couple years.at fierce, adv.
1974 C. Loken Come Monday Morning 142: Till you get so filled up you gotta come down here an’ spill your guts.at fill up (v.) under fill, v.