Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Kansas City Star choose

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[US] Kansas City Star 27 Oct. 12/2: In a prosperous ‘hangout joint’ there may be a dozen tables.
at hangout joint (n.) under hang-out, n.1
[US] Kansas City Star 27 Oct. 12/2: A ‘steamer’ has been playing at one of the stuss games on Second Avenue. ‘Steamers are so called [...] because they get so hot so soon.
at steamer, n.1
[US] Kansas City Star 7 Mar. 12/7: Thorpe is a tough cookie and can last as long as any of them.
at tough cookie (n.) under tough, adj.
[US] Kansas City Star 18 Nov. n.p.: But the floater, he of the faltering feet, whatever his occupation is a ‘gandy’ in the North Side vernacular.
at floater, n.1
[US] Kansas City Star 23 Feb. n.p.: Now you’re cooking with electricity!
at cook with gas (v.) under cook, v.1
[US] Kansas City Star 14 June 6F/1: There is a Baptist in the line, and a Jew — captains and slick-sleeved privates.
at slick-sleeved (adj.) under slick, adj.
[US] Kansas City Star n.p.: 12 May You’re a blues guitarist and a sinner, but hell is nearly full, so you ride the demon train to the next stop. It’s a place called Beluthahatchie, a sort of annex to Hades, and the devil is driving around the hot, dusty realm in a 1936 Hudson Terraplane.
at beluthahatchie, n.
[US] Kansas City Star 31 Oct. 🌐 You might want to be leery about the lighting if you’re looking for love. It’s so dim at the bar and throughout the restaurant that the human eye could easily be fooled, and you could end up with a strobe-light honey.
at strobe-light honey (n.) under honey, n.1
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