c.1592 Marlowe Jew of Malta III iii: Oh, mistress! I have the bravest, gravest secret, subtile, bottle-nosed knave to my master, that ever gentleman had.at bottlenosed, adj.
c.1592 Marlowe Jew of Malta IV iii: He [...] looks like one that is employ’d in catzerie, And crosbiting; such a rogue As is the husband to a hundred whores.at catzerie, n.
c.1592 Marlowe Jew of Malta IV iii: He [...] looks like one that is employ’d in catzerie, And crosbiting; such a rogue As is the husband to a hundred whores.at crossbiting law (n.) under crossbite, v.
c.1592 Marlowe Jew of Malta IV ii: When the hangman had put on his hempen tippet.at hempen tippet (n.) under hempen, adj.
c.1592 Marlowe Jew of Malta IV ii: Within forty foot of the gallows, conning his neck-verse.at neck verse (n.) under neck, n.
c.1592 Marlowe Jew of Malta IV iv: Was ever Jew tormented as I am? To have a shag-rag knave to come.at shagrag, n.
c.1592 Marlowe Jew of Malta IV i: Oh how I long to see him shake his heels.at shake one’s heels (v.) under shake, v.
c.1592 Marlowe Jew of Malta II iii: Barabas: Let me see, sirrah; are you not an old shaver? slave: Alas sir, I am a very youth.at shaver, n.1