Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Children of Twilight choose

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[SA] M. Melamu Children of Twilight 43: Ou Johannes had been Ferreira’s ‘boss-boy’ in the old days.
at boss boy (n.) under boss, n.2
[SA] M. Melamu Children of Twilight 91: Ek se, clever, who have you been writing to?
at clever, n.
[SA] M. Melamu Children of Twilight 91: Ek se, clever, who have you been writing to.
at ek se, phr.
[SA] M. Melamu Children of Twilight 153: The ‘mpimpi’ is hinty. They say the ‘Duke’ got him at last .
at impimpi, n.
[SA] M. Melamu Children of Twilight 90: Hey, majita, I am digressing.
at majita, n.
[SA] M. Melamu Children of Twilight 41: You had to feed them properly. And what can’t you get the skepsels to do with their stomachs propvol?
at propvol, adj.
[SA] M. Melamu Children of Twilight 41: The cocky rooinek health inspector [...] had condemned the labourers’ quarters.
at rooinek, n.
[SA] M. Melamu Children of Twilight 5: He was normally in excellent spirits when he’d imbibed a ‘scale’ or two.
at scale, n.3
[SA] M. Melamu Children of Twilight 99: Babsy had to shack up with me for the night.
at shack up (with), v.
[SA] M. Melamu Children of Twilight 41: You had to feed them properly. And what can’t you get the skepsels to do with their stomachs propvol? [Ibid.] 43: Johannes would bark at the other volk at such moments. Ja, ou Johannes knew how to handle the skepsels.
at skepsel, n.
[SA] M. Melamu Children of Twilight 163: Mma-Lekwete’s special brew called skomfaan, a curious mixture of such incredible ingredients as methylated spirits, used dynamite, malt and various other odds and ends reputed to give the much desired ‘kick’ to the concoction [DSAE].
at skomfaan, n.
[SA] M. Melamu Children of Twilight 50: A bastard in the family! The father must be a verdomste kaffer!
at verdomde, adj.
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