1934 T. Minehan Boy and Girl Tramps of America (1976) 152: They feed him on the black bottle because he ain’t got no friends.at black bottle (n.) under black, adj.
1934 T. Minehan Boy and Girl Tramps of America (1976) 15: Here, you, Blimp, [...] take these tins down to the river.at blimp, n.1
1934 T. Minehan Boy and Girl Tramps of America (1976) 139: But you gotta be careful of some women or you’ll get burned. I got a little bit singed myself once, but a doctor in Memphis cured me.at burn, v.
1934 T. Minehan Boy and Girl Tramps of America (1976) 154: The dehorn on top of Dago Red has made him drunk but friendly.at dago red (n.) under dago, adj.1
1934 T. Minehan Boy and Girl Tramps of America (1976) 150: A filthy old drunk, full of dehorn moon.at dehorn, n.
1934 T. Minehan Boy and Girl Tramps of America (1976) 162: Every mother’s son of them is crooked.at every mother’s son, n.
1934 T. Minehan Boy and Girl Tramps of America (1976) 143: I have seen wolves and their little ‘lambs’ or ‘fairies,’ and their relationship seems to be one of mutual satisfaction.at fairy, n.1
1934 T. Minehan Boy and Girl Tramps of America (1976) 15: The rest of you gaffers [...] get some grub.at gaffer, n.1
1934 T. Minehan Boy and Girl Tramps of America (1976) 27: I can hit the stem [...] for a dime anytime anywhere if the cops ain’t glimming.at glim, v.
1934 T. Minehan Boy and Girl Tramps of America (1976) 217: I carries the banner slinking harness bulls. Until glims. Then I batters private.at glim, n.
1934 T. Minehan Boy and Girl Tramps of America (1976) 125: Poorly dressed men with a grouch and a mean look are often the best prospects.at grouch, n.
1934 T. Minehan Boy and Girl Tramps of America (1976) 209: Woman gave me good handout. Half a cake.at hand-out, n.
1934 T. Minehan Boy and Girl Tramps of America (1976) 217: Then I [...] sock into the old heavy-foot himself.at heavy-foot (n.) under heavy, adj.
1934 T. Minehan Boy and Girl Tramps of America (1976) 190: I just heists it off the Wop’s stand and tucks it under my coat.at heist, v.
1934 T. Minehan Boy and Girl Tramps of America (1976) 171: Maybe this will show some of those goddam bankers and high-ups something to wake them up.at high-up, n.
1934 T. Minehan Boy and Girl Tramps of America (1976) 217: Skating on my uppers I mush talks him out of a hustle buggy ride and into mongee.at hustle-buggy (n.) under hustle, v.
1934 T. Minehan Boy and Girl Tramps of America (1976) 110: Last night some jack roller stole one of Texas’ shoes.at jack roller, n.
1934 T. Minehan Boy and Girl Tramps of America (1976) 176: The jungle law is invoked and renders its decision.at jungle, n.
1934 T. Minehan Boy and Girl Tramps of America (1976) 109: There is a checker tournament in progress [...] three different players shouting aloud and a crowd laughing and kibitzing.at kibitz, v.
1934 T. Minehan Boy and Girl Tramps of America (1976) 199: Three long butts I kipped right in front of the entrance.at kipe, v.
1934 T. Minehan Boy and Girl Tramps of America (1976) 143: I have seen wolves and their little ‘lambs’ or ‘fairies,’ and their relationship seems to be one of mutual satisfaction.at lamb, n.1
1934 T. Minehan Boy and Girl Tramps of America (1976) 217: Skating on my uppers I mush talks him out of a hustle buggy ride and into mongee.at mongee, n.
1934 T. Minehan Boy and Girl Tramps of America (1976) 129: Bulldogs can’t run [...] A little sprint and they are all tuckered out.at tuckered (out), adj.
1934 T. Minehan Boy and Girl Tramps of America (1976) 131: I don’t try that until everything goes phooey.at phooey!, excl.
1934 T. Minehan Boy and Girl Tramps of America (1976) 217: Tooting ringers for a scoffing?at ringer, n.
1934 T. Minehan Boy and Girl Tramps of America (1976) 152: You never saw a fat guy eating at Sally’s.at Sally, n.
1934 T. Minehan Boy and Girl Tramps of America (1976) 123: Once I made two slugs in fifteen minutes.at slug, n.1
1934 T. Minehan Boy and Girl Tramps of America (1976) 137: I’m high-tailing up State Street feeling kinda light in the head, and socko, I’m in the gutter.at socko, adv.
1934 T. Minehan Boy and Girl Tramps of America (1976) 84: When I see a woman going home I follow her and hit her for some clothes and lots of times I get a big dinner, and some spiffs too.at spiffs, n.
1934 T. Minehan Boy and Girl Tramps of America (1976) 20: The stem is pretty tough all through the South.at stem, n.