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The Half-Gallon Quarter-Acre Pavlova Paradise choose

Quotation Text

[UK] A. Mitchell Half-gallon Quarter-acre Pavlova Paradise 114: ‘She’s a bottler’ is the highest praise a man can give about a woman.
at bottler, n.1
[UK] A. Mitchell Half-gallon Quarter-acre Pavlova Paradise 184: Bowser, a man of spirit.
at bowser, n.2
[UK] A. Mitchell Half-gallon Quarter-acre Pavlova Paradise 182: cut: Drunk.
at cut, adj.1
[UK] A. Mitchell Half-gallon Quarter-acre Pavlova Paradise 63: In God-Zone you approach different topics with an adjustment of your volume control.
at Godsown, n.
[UK] A. Mitchell Half-gallon Quarter-acre Pavlova Paradise 183: Judy: Naughty sister of Sheila.
at judy, n.1
[UK] A. Mitchell Half-gallon Quarter-acre Pavlova Paradise 109: The party is the great Kiwi contribution to social betterment.
at Kiwi, adj.
[UK] A. Mitchell Half-gallon Quarter-acre Pavlova Paradise 38: In the isolation ward of the Hutt Valley and its satellites such as Wainuiomata (or Nappy Valley as the locals have it).
at nappy valley, n.
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