at barker, n.1
at barker, n.1
at blazes, n.
at go to blazes! (excl.) under blazes, n.
at blow, v.2
at buffalo, v.
at burn, v.
at three-card (monte) man (n.) under three-card monte, n.
at cashed, adj.
at cayuse, n.
at chalk off, v.2
at pass in one’s chips (v.) under chip, n.2
at choke, v.
at cig, n.
at clean up, v.
at corn juice (n.) under corn, n.1
at cow town, n.
at dandy, n.2
at dog, n.2
at I’ll be doggoned! (excl.) under doggone, v.
at dust, v.2
at four-eyed, adj.
at off one’s feed (adj.) under feed, n.
at fiend, n.
at fit to bust under fit to..., phr.
at for Pete’s sake!, excl.
at get, v.
at git!, excl.
at go, v.
at Hades, n.
at hang out, v.1
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