1959 D. Niland Big Smoke 116: ‘Half a mo, Father,’ Pretty Joey said. ‘Show us that again for a minute.’.at half a mo, phr.
1959 D. Niland Big Smoke 27: He had poor Tommy madder than a woodheap.at madder than a woodheap, adj.
1959 D. Niland Big Smoke 38: She wants to string along. Not half an hour ago she come in here and says I got to take her away with me.at string (along), v.
1959 D. Niland Big Smoke 219: He’d done it himself with the down-and-outers when he was flush.at down-and-outer, n.
1959 D. Niland Big Smoke 114: The old hen would be either going to church or to the ham-and-beef for a headache powder.at ham and beef, n.1
1959 D. Niland Big Smoke 21: You’d have more oscar in your kick now than the Prime Minister himself.at Oscar (Asche), n.
1959 D. Niland Big Smoke 160: You shouldn’t give back-slack, either—not you. It’s dangerous.at backslack (n.) under back, adj.2
1959 D. Niland Big Smoke 186: If we stick together and battle along helping one another we’ll be okay.at battle, v.
1959 D. Niland Big Smoke 170: She’s cashed her chips, that old battler, he thought. A two-bob touch around the corner, and who’d want to touch her?at battler (n.) under battle, v.
1959 D. Niland Big Smoke 114: She’s a beaut. Nat Gould at his best. I’ll lend it to you when I’m finished.at beaut, n.1
1959 D. Niland Big Smoke 96: Suddenly a billy-cart screeched at his nerves, and he jerked around to see it, driven by a nine-year-old freak.at billy-cart, n.
1959 D. Niland Big Smoke 20: He saw a half-caste girl go down the yard [...] ‘Who’s the charcoal blonde?’ [...] ‘One of the housemaids here. Not bad. is she?’.at bitumen blonde, n.
1959 D. Niland Big Smoke 145: And he got you so you lost your block and took to him and done for him.at do one’s block (v.) under block, n.1
1959 D. Niland Big Smoke 202: That’s when I see this fly-blown old fowlhouse going the knock on my money.at fly-blown, adj.
1959 D. Niland Big Smoke 18: A rangy old man came in wearing a two-bob suit, the dog-eared lapels matching his dolorous eyes.at two-bob, adj.
1959 D. Niland Big Smoke 159: He went on merrily telling Jazzer what a bonzer sheila Mumsy was.at bonzer, adj.
1959 D. Niland Big Smoke 30: The white women who never drew the colour-line when the black or brindle had money to throw about.at brindle, n.
1959 D. Niland Big Smoke 164: He roared laughing and gave her a slap on the seat. ‘The biggest bronza in the world-and just think, you’re all mine.’.at bronze, n.2
1959 D. Niland Big Smoke 186: Marty and Sadie are not going to like it when you give them the bullet.at give someone the bullet (v.) under bullet, n.1
1959 D. Niland Big Smoke 114: What’s the time? My ticker’s gone bung.at go bung (v.) under bung, adj.2
1959 D. Niland Big Smoke 200: One of these days when I’m real cashed up like, I’m gonna get myself one of them trombones.at cashed up, adj.
1959 D. Niland Big Smoke 170: She’s cashed her chips, that old battler, he thought. A two-bob touch around the corner, and who’d want to touch her?at cash in one’s chips (v.) under chip, n.2
1959 D. Niland Big Smoke 152: He remembered the few harlots Big Lew had brought up there, and he remembered him like that when he brought up that old chromo from Campbell Street.at chromo, n.
1959 D. Niland Big Smoke 183: ‘How’s your mother? Any better?’ ‘Not too clever, but she’ll be right.’.at clever, adj.