at bellyaching (n.) under bellyache, v.
at big boy, n.
at blue, adj.2
at boiled, adj.
at you know what you can do (with...), phr.
at get a can on (v.) under can, n.1
at cock-eyed, adj.2
at come on!, excl.
at cork off (v.) under cork, v.1
at god-damn it!, excl.
at date, n.1
at dizzy, adj.
at doll, n.1
at fit to be tied under fit to..., phr.
at fried, adj.
at gal, n.
at have had enough (v.) under have, v.
at hell, the, phr.
at jag, n.1
at jumps, the, n.
at off, prep.
at sit on one’s ass (v.) under sit on, v.
at shoot, v.
at shot, n.1
at slam, v.1
at slip, v.2
at snifter, n.2
at stiff, adj.
at straight, adj.2
at sweetie, n.
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