Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Penguin Book of Australian Jokes choose

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[Aus] Penguin Bk of Aus. Jokes 338: Even when he trapped her, he found that he couldn’t possibly keep her still long enough to have his way with her. Flattery didn’t work, nor did tying her down. The pig just wouldn’t come across.
at come across, v.
[Aus] Penguin Bk of Aus. Jokes 359: The publican comes around and warns them not to stare at the bloke as he gets ‘real stroppy. He’ll come round and barrel you in a minute!’.
at barrel, v.2
[Aus] Penguin Bk of Aus. Jokes 332: He sprang the sailor bonking the girl.
at bonk, v.
[Aus] Penguin Bk of Aus. Jokes 330: He’s ensconced with a great big brassy-looking blonde.
at brassy, adj.
[Aus] Penguin Bk of Aus. Jokes 369: There was an 80-year-old wheat cocky who married a stunningly beautiful 23-year-old blonde.
at cocky, n.2
[Aus] Penguin Bk of Aus. Jokes 308: Why don’t you go crook at yer missus and git her to make yer somethin’ else?
at go crook (on) (v.) under crook, adj.
[Aus] Penguin Bk of Aus. Jokes 339: I’ve had it [penis] drilled into me a thousand times.
at drill, v.1
[Aus] Penguin Bk of Aus. Jokes 334: Ginger docked at Circular Quay.
at ginger, n.1
[Aus] Penguin Bk of Aus. Jokes 365: A big young Irish jackeroo from Wellmoringle comes into town for the first time in twenty-two months.
at jackaroo, n.
[Aus] Penguin Bk of Aus. Jokes 448: The VD removed my John Thomas – nothing left to dangle.
at John Thomas, n.
[Aus] Penguin Bk of Aus. Jokes 305: Bruce then does his lolly and demands his £100.
at do the/one’s lolly (v.) under lolly, n.1
[Aus] Penguin Bk of Aus. Jokes 343: Let him do anything he likes, but if ever he asks you to do it ‘the other way’ don’t let him.
at other way (n.) under other, adj.
[Aus] Penguin Bk of Aus. Jokes 433: ‘Doctor, I’ve got a problem. I’ve got a square dick.’ ‘Baloney,’ said the doctor, ‘never seen that in all my years. Whip it out, sport, and let me have a look.’.
at whip out, v.
[Aus] Penguin Bk of Aus. Jokes 388: A man went into a Paddo antique shop and said he’d just found two items in the loft of his old house.
at Paddo, n.
[Aus] Penguin Bk of Aus. Jokes 452: She gives the old chap a ‘polish’.
at polish, n.
[Aus] Penguin Bk of Aus. Jokes 331: You’re not only a great root, you’re also a good sport!
at root, n.1
[Aus] Penguin Bk of Aus. Jokes 330: A tough-looking bloke turned up at the red light district in Kalgoorlie and said to the Madam, ‘Give us the roughest sheila you’ve got.’.
at rough, adj.
[Aus] Penguin Bk of Aus. Jokes 332: He sprang the sailor bonking the girl.
at spring, v.
[Aus] Penguin Bk of Aus. Jokes 387: I’m stupid, okay. I’ve got an IQ of 63. You wanna make something of it?
at want to make something of it? under want, v.
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