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Scarlet Sister Mary choose

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[US] J. Peterkin Scarlet Sister Mary 93: Why’n you bank de fire last night? E’s dead as a wedge.
at dead as..., adj.
[US] J. Peterkin Scarlet Sister Mary 206: Auntie can’t stand people to talk ugly talk.
at aunt, n.
[US] J. Peterkin Scarlet Sister Mary 98: ‘Yuh duh back-jaw me?’ ‘I’ll back-jaw you much as I please.’.
at back-jaw, v.
[US] J. Peterkin Scarlet Sister Mary 98: Sho, I’ll back-jaw you as much as I please. Who is you to be so big-doins anyhow?
at big doing, adj.
[US] J. Peterkin Scarlet Sister Mary 38: People would soon find out. A sin like Mary’s [...] is a blab-mouth thing.
at blabbermouth, adj.
[US] J. Peterkin Scarlet Sister Mary 33: You ain’ to stand up buck naked like dat.
at buck-naked (adj.) under buck, n.1
[US] J. Peterkin Scarlet Sister Mary 75: It’s a bad sign to drop a child in de Big Road.
at drop, v.5
[US] J. Peterkin Scarlet Sister Mary 165: If you nanny goat didn’ scuffle for rations, Unex wouldn’t have a Gawd’s drop o milk.
at scuffle, v.
[US] J. Peterkin Scarlet Sister Mary 122: ‘I want a charm for July, Daddy Cudjoe. July’s got a side-gal.’ Daddy looked grave. [...] ‘Who is de side-gal, daughter?’ ‘Cinder.’.
at side chick (n.) under side, adj.
[US] J. Peterkin Scarlet Sister Mary 122: Jedus [sic] have mercy. You womens is someting else.
at something else! (excl.) under something, n.
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