1996 (con. 1980s) L. Pettiway Honey, Honey, Miss Thang 211: When I met Kane I started doing heroin. I snuck behind his back and tried it ’cause they used to call it apple back then [...] and I wanted to see what apple was about.at apple, n.2
1996 L. Pettiway Honey, Honey, Miss Thang 120: Then I would get an ass whooping for taking so long.at ass-whipping, n.
1996 L. Pettiway Honey, Honey, Miss Thang 35: I did do cocaine [...] I wasn’t really, really all that too much thrilled with it. I’m saying it was no biggy to me.at biggie, n.
1996 L. Pettiway Honey, Honey, Miss Thang 16: He fucked my brains out with that little dick.at fuck someone’s brains out (v.) under brain, n.1
1996 L. Pettiway Honey, Honey, Miss Thang 223: My dad put me inside a caboose, and the caboose was full of rats.at caboose, n.
1996 L. Pettiway Honey, Honey, Miss Thang 54: Somora was famous for sticking her fingers down in somebody’s pocket. She was a major clip artist.at clip-artist (n.) under clip, v.1
1996 L. Pettiway Honey, Honey, Miss Thang 210: I flew the coop. I just did. I called him every damn name there was in the book.at fly the coop (v.) under coop, n.1
1996 L. Pettiway Honey, Honey, Miss Thang 158: Learning how to rob somebody with finesse. You know, to dip. To go in a person’s wallet, put the wallet back in the pocket, and button it back up.at dip, v.2
1996 L. Pettiway Honey, Honey, Miss Thang 262: Look at you. Like a daggone ant, you go crawling in the bed.at doggone, adj.
1996 L. Pettiway Honey, Honey, Miss Thang 27: My preference—no. I would prefer him being on top. I would be more submissive. If I had to deal with one of these flippies [...] I could put up with him for a couple of months. [...] That’s not what I want in a relationship. A flippy! [Ibid.] 197: I had a relationship with a man and he was a flip-flop. He was a man ... well, he carry himself as a man, but I got the kitty. [...] And I’m a drag queen. I’m a transvestite.at flip-flop, n.1
1996 L. Pettiway Honey, Honey, Miss Thang 27: I don’t know if I could be in a relationship with a man who likes to flip flop.at flip-flop, v.
1996 L. Pettiway Honey, Honey, Miss Thang 93: I just automatically come. Yeah, just the way he’s hitting. Simple as that. Home runs.at home run, n.
1996 L. Pettiway Honey, Honey, Miss Thang 77: Hookying school just to be doing it. [Ibid.] 77: I hooky school for a whole month.at hooky, v.
1996 L. Pettiway Honey, Honey, Miss Thang 145: Most of them were like put the grease in, just go ’head and jam you, you know.at jam, v.4
1996 L. Pettiway Honey, Honey, Miss Thang 144: At the time, they used the word ‘joint.’ You know, ‘You’re my joint,’ you know. They didn’t use ‘girlfriend,’ ’cause we weren’t no girls, you know.at joint, n.
1996 L. Pettiway Honey, Honey, Miss Thang 35: I was more of a marijuana freak. I would, you know, go across town to find a good bag of joint. Or a larger amount of joint for a lesser — if I could get a nickel bag — get a bigger one somewhere in North Jefferson.at joint, n.
1996 L. Pettiway Honey, Honey, Miss Thang 30: Courage! You have to have it from the jump street. The courage to come out.at jump street (n.) under jump, n.
1996 L. Pettiway Honey, Honey, Miss Thang 197: I had a relationship with a man and he was a flip-flop. He was a man ... well, he carry himself as a man, but I got the kitty. [...] And I’m a drag queen. I’m a transvestite.at kitty, n.2
1996 L. Pettiway Honey, Honey, Miss Thang 251: When you get picked up and taken to Police Headquarters and you’re in drag everybody hoots and hollers, ‘I know that ain’t no man! That’s not no man! Don’t put that woman in here’ [...] They hold you for no more than an hour [...] They just let you go. Just to take you off the corner. They’re called the lice.at louse, n.
1996 L. Pettiway Honey, Honey, Miss Thang 79: I got into fights with girlfriends of mines.at mine, n.
1996 L. Pettiway Honey, Honey, Miss Thang 144: When it comes to homosexuality they done a whole lot on both sides. My mom calls it ‘pancakes,’ ‘making pancakes’. [Ibid.] 197: I consider him a straight man. But if he doing me and I’m doing him, he’s gay. If he’s pancake, if he’s flip-flopping, then he’s gay. If he is not flip-flopping, then he’s not gay, he bisexual or he straight.at pancake, n.2
1996 L. Pettiway Honey, Honey, Miss Thang 8: Everything was so glamour and so thrilling [...] It had the kind of pizzazz.at pizzazz, n.
1996 L. Pettiway Honey, Honey, Miss Thang 195: The ones I was dating they was older. I mean old. Seventy. [...] Who else would want a dried-up prune?at prune, n.
1996 L. Pettiway Honey, Honey, Miss Thang 215: In Falk Corrections Center. And I had a husband know [sic] as Q.T. Gorgeous daddy.at Q.T., adj.
1996 L. Pettiway Honey, Honey, Miss Thang 115: Redbone . . . light skin people, always thought they were cute.at redbone, n.
1996 L. Pettiway Honey, Honey, Miss Thang 66: [in a crack house] I guess my schitz is watching others schitz [...] I get a kick from watching them feel around and look for things when I know there’s nothing there. [...] I get simple when I smoke crack.at schiz, n.
1996 L. Pettiway Honey, Honey, Miss Thang 33: We were wearing sizzlers then. That’s the name of a dress. They were real short and they had matching panties. But they called them sizzlers [...] and we looked real, real cute.at sizzler, n.
1996 L. Pettiway Honey, Honey, Miss Thang 201: I learned how to swish. So I was like swishing, honey.at swish, v.1