1782 ‘Peter Pindar’ ‘Lyric Odes’ Works (1794) I 32: Yet doth he curses on th’ occasion utter, And, foolish, quarrel with his bread and butter.at quarrel with (one’s) bread and butter (v.) under bread and butter, n.1
1782 ‘Peter Pindar’ ‘Lyric Odes’ Works (1794) I 31: The Buck, Like many English ones, much out of luck.at buck, n.1
1782 ‘Peter Pindar’ ‘Lyric Odes’ Works (1794) I 30: Unlike our London poor John Bulls.at John Bull, n.1
1782 ‘Peter Pindar’ ‘Lyric Odes’ Works (1794) I 31: He laughed at all the hounds —And left them, with a f---, behind.at fart, n.
1782 ‘Peter Pindar’ ‘Lyric Odes’ Works (1794) I 32: And takes a hobby-horse to gall his pride, That flings him, like a lubber, in the dirt.at lubber, n.
1783 ‘Peter Pindar’ ‘Lyric Odes’ Works (1794) I 56: [footnote] The fair artist hath [...] communicated to canvass the old bard’s idea of the brandy-faced Hours.at brandy-face (n.) under brandy, n.
1783 ‘Peter Pindar’ ‘Lyric Odes’ Works (1794) I 55: Sons of the Brush, I’m here again!at brother (of the) brush (n.) under brother (of the)..., n.
1783 ‘Peter Pindar’ ‘Lyric Odes’ Works (1794) I 73: A Dutchman, I forgot his name – Van Grout, Van Slabberchops, Van Stink.at chops, n.1
1783 ‘Peter Pindar’ ‘Lyric Odes’ Works (1794) I 55: My Cousin had rump steaks to eat! [...] loads of dainty meat!at loads of, n.
1783 ‘Peter Pindar’ ‘Lyric Odes’ Works (1794) I 73: A Dutchman, I forgot his name – Van Grout, Van Slabberchops, Van Stink.at slobber-chops (n.) under slobber, n.
1785 ‘Peter Pindar’ ‘Lyric Odes’ Works (1794) I 116: Fame [...] For you, no longer cares a single rush.at not care a rush, v.
1785 ‘Peter Pindar’ ‘The Lousiad’ Works (1794) I 245: Where old Adam’s beverage flows with pride.at Adam’s ale (n.) under Adam, n.
1785 ‘Peter Pindar’ ‘The Lousiad’ Works (1794) I 211: Such is the sound [...] Form’d by what mortals Bubble call, and Squeak, When ’midst the frying-pan, in accents savage, The beef so surly quarrels with the cabbage.at bubble and squeak, n.1
1785 ‘Peter Pindar’ ‘The Lousiad’ Works (1794) I 253: I’ve cook’d up a Petition: This carries weight with it, or I’m mistaken, Shall shake the Monarch’s soul, and save our bacon.at save someone’s bacon (v.) under bacon, n.1
1785 ‘Peter Pindar’ ‘The Lousiad’ Works (1794) I 236: A black cat round the bantling squall’d.at bantling, n.
1785 ‘Peter Pindar’ ‘Lyric Odes’ Works (1794) I 90: Yet thou mayest bluster like bull-beef so big.at bull-beef, n.
1785 ‘Peter Pindar’ ‘Odes to the Royal Academicians’ Works I (1812) 95: He surely had been brandying it or beering, that is, in plainer English, he was drunk.at beer, v.
1785 ‘Peter Pindar’ ‘The Lousiad’ Works (1794) I 239: The King long since had bid to kiss his b---h.at bitch, n.1
1785 ‘Peter Pindar’ ‘Odes to the Royal Academicians’ Works I (1812) 93: We are no Craw-thumpers, no Devotees.at craw-thumper, n.
1785 ‘Peter Pindar’ ‘The Lousiad’ Works (1794) I 282: The frail Fair-ones in the Cyprian trade.at Cyprian, adj.
1785 ‘Peter Pindar’ ‘Lousiad’ Works (1794) I 275: Jack Wilkes, too, be a dam, dam uglish name.at damn, adv.
1785 ‘Peter Pindar’ ‘The Lousiad’ Works (1794) I 298: This Louse affair’s a very pretty joke! An’t you asham’d of it, you dirty dogs?at dog, n.2
1785 ‘Peter Pindar’ ‘The Lousiad’ Works (1794) I 246: Cooks, scullions, hear me ev’ry mother’s son.at every mother’s son, n.
1785 ‘Peter Pindar’ ‘The Lousiad’ Works (1794) I 202: ‘Look, look, look, Charly! is not that a louse!’ [...] [he] with a smile the grey-back’d Stranger saw.at grayback, n.
1785 ‘Peter Pindar’ ‘The Lousiad’ Works (1794) I 246: George thinks us scarcely fit [...] To carry guts, my brethren, to a bear.at carry guts to a bear (v.) under gut, n.
1785 ‘Peter Pindar’ ‘Lousiad’ Works (1794) I 287: And all day in munchin spent, And guzzlin, too, no doubt.at guzzle, v.1