Green’s Dictionary of Slang
Pope Dunciad I in Works III (1787) 82: Those brethren so lame and impotent, do ridiculously look big and very dull, and strut and hobble, [...] being led and supported, and bully-back’d by that blind Hector, bully back, n.
Pope Dunciad I 10: Rob the Roman geese of all their glories, And save the state by cackling to the Tories?at cackle, v.
Pope Dunciad II 27: Long Chanc’y-lane [...] And courts to courts return it round and round; Thames wafts it thence to Rufus’ [sic] roaring hall And H-----d re-ecchoes, bawl for Ruffian’s Hall, n.
Pope Dunciad I 7: Here all his suff’ring brotherhood retire, And ’scape the martyrdom of jakes and jakes, n.1
Pope Dunciad II 23: This China-Jordan, let the chief o’ercome Replenish, not ingloriously, at home. [Ibid.] 24: Crown’d with the Jordan, walks contented home .at jordan, n.
Pope Dunciad III 44: Next two slip-shod Muses traipse along, In lofty madness meditating trapes, v.
Pope Dunciad II 2: High on a gorgeous seat, that far out-shone Henley’s gilt tub, or Fflecknoe’s Irish throne .at tub, n.1
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