Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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[UK] ‘P.P.’ Rhy. Sl.
at rub-a-dub, n.2
[UK] ‘P.P.’ Rhy. Sl.
at airs and graces, n.
[UK] ‘P.P.’ Rhy. Sl.
at almond rock, n.
[UK] ‘P.P.’ Rhy. Sl.
at finger and thumb, n.
[UK] ‘P.P.’ Rhy. Sl. 13: Goin’ to take a ‘ball of chalk’ up the ‘frog’ to pay the ‘Burton’ or there’ll be a ‘bull and cow’.
at bull and cow, n.
[UK] ‘P.P.’ Rhy. Sl. 7: Put yer ‘mince’ over the ‘Jack and Jill’.
at jack (and jill), n.
[UK] ‘P.P.’ Rhy. Sl. 11: Have a ‘butcher’s’ at her ‘ham and eggs’.
at ham and eggs, n.
[UK] ‘P.P.’ Rhy. Sl.
at plates and dishes, n.
[UK] ‘P.P.’ Rhy. Sl. 5: ’Strewth, yer ‘King Death’ don’t arf ‘Pen and Ink’.
at pen (and ink), v.
[UK] ‘P.P.’ Rhy. Sl. 9: The ‘gooseberry’s’ gone to the ‘5 to 2’ for some ‘bees and honey’ ’cos the ‘Gawd forbids’ ain’t got no ‘Tommy Tucker’.
at bees (and honey), n.
[UK] ‘P.P.’ Rhy. Sl. 15: Tout – Salmon Trout (bookmaker).
at salmon (and) trout, n.
[UK] ‘P.P.’ Rhy. Sl.
at salmon (and) trout, n.
[UK] ‘P.P.’ Rhy. Sl.
at me-and-you, n.
[UK] ‘P.P.’ Rhy. Sl.
at read and write, n.
[UK] ‘P.P.’ Rhy. Sl.
at gay and frisky, n.
[UK] ‘P.P.’ Rhy. Sl.
at light and dark, n.
[UK] ‘P.P.’ Rhy. Sl. 5: All right this morning ‘Oats?’.
at oats (and barley), n.
[UK] ‘P.P.’ Rhy. Sl. 7: I’ll plaster yer ‘Jim Mace’ so’s yer ‘one and t’other’ won’t know yer.
at one and t’other, n.
[UK] ‘P.P.’ Rhy. Sl.
at andy cain, n.
[UK] ‘P.P.’ Rhy. Sl.
at aristotle, n.
[UK] ‘P.P.’ Rhy. Sl.
at aristotle, n.
[UK] ‘P.P.’ Rhy. Sl. 5: I’m going to the ‘tin tank’ to draw some ‘Oscar Ashe’.
at Oscar (Asche), n.
[UK] ‘P.P.’ Rhy. Sl. 11: Keep yer ‘German’ off my ‘sky’ or you’ll find yerself in a ‘Harvey’.
at German bands, n.
[UK] ‘P.P.’ Rhy. Sl.
at beggar boy’s (ass) (n.) under beggar, n.
[UK] ‘P.P.’ Rhy. Sl.
at Big Ben, n.
[UK] ‘P.P.’ Rhy. Sl.
at dicky-bird, n.2
[UK] ‘P.P.’ Rhy. Sl. 15: What’s the bird lime?
at birdlime, n.2
[UK] ‘P.P.’ Rhy. Sl. 13: Get me a ‘Joe Blake’ for Tom Tucker’.
at joe (blake), n.
[UK] ‘P.P.’ Rhy. Sl. 11: Stick yer ‘lump of lead’ on the ‘tit-willow’ and ’ave a bo-peep, ’cos yer ‘elephants’.
at bo-peep, n.
[UK] ‘P.P.’ Rhy. Sl. 13: Goin’ to take a ‘ball of chalk’ up the ‘frog’ to pay the ‘Burton’ or there’ll be a ‘bull and cow’.
at Burton-on-Trent, n.
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