1917 J.E. Rendinell diary 12 Nov. in One Man’s War (1928) 33: I growed a moustache [...] I thought it was the berries.at berries, the, n.1
1917 J.E. Rendinell diary 9 June in One Man’s War (1928) 9: He didn’t say a thing until we started to raise a rough house & Oh, Boy, from then on we sure knew we were in the Marine Corp.at oh boy!, excl.
1917 J.E. Rendinell diary 1 Nov. in One Man’s War (1928) 29: Fed fishes after supper. Got awful sick.at feed the fishes (v.) under feed, v.
1917 J.E. Rendinell diary 20 Nov. in One Man’s War (1928) 37: The boys got on a little dinky street car. A frog was motorman and conductor too.at Frog, n.
1917 J.E. Rendinell diary One Man’s War (1928) 23: Won’t the Germans get hell when this gang is turned loose on them?at get hell (v.) under hell, n.
1917 J.E. Rendinell diary 20 Nov. in One Man’s War (1928) 37: They topped it off with four bottles of cognac.at top off, v.
1917 J.E. Rendinell diary 20 Nov. in One Man’s War (1928) 36: Four of my buddies picked up a peachy French blonde apiece.at peachy, adj.
1917 J.E. Rendinell diary 9 June in One Man’s War (1928) 9: He didn’t say a thing until we started to raise a rough house.at roughhouse, n.
1918 J.E. Rendinell diary 27 June in One Man’s War (1928) 123: One bozo says, ‘Joe, the last guy who cut my hair got bumped off.’ [Ibid.] 18 July 157: That bozo had the German colonel marching in front.at bozo, n.1
1918 J.E. Rendinell letter 7 Feb. in One Man’s War (1928) 49: There is ten of us fellows bunk in a house in this town.at bunk, v.2
1918 J.E. Rendinell diary 4 Apr. in One Man’s War (1928) 68: Gee, things sure broke pretty for me. I busted them all – 2300 francs.at bust, v.1
1918 J.E. Rendinell diary 21 Sept. in One Man’s War (1928) 167: ‘If you will give me pass, I will go up & find them.’ He said, ‘Fat chance.’.at fat chance, n.
1918 J.E. Rendinell diary 16 July in One Man’s War (1928) 142: Tell Bill to save me a few cold ones.at cold one, n.2
1918 J.E. Rendinell diary 23 Mar. in One Man’s War (1928) 62: The rest of the boys stay undercover & kill cooties or write home.at cootie, n.
1918 J.E. Rendinell diary 23 July One Man’s War (1928) 163: Gee, kid, I thought you was a goner. We left you for dead.at goner, n.1
1918 J.E. Rendinell diary 9 July in One Man’s War (1928) 132: I won one hundred & fifty thousand jawbone franc. ‘Try & collect.’.at jawbone, adj.
1918 J.E. Rendinell diary 12 June in One Man’s War (1928) 110: Gee, sister, we sure did give Fritz a good licking.at licking, n.
1918 J.E. Rendinell diary 17–18 Feb. in One Man’s War (1928) 53: Hauling manure for the frogs. Phooey!at phooey!, excl.
1918 J.E. Rendinell diary 10 July in One Man’s War (1928) 133: The calf did not want to go [...] We carried it alongside of a fence and gave it the works. It was some job skinning it.at give someone the works (v.) under works, the, n.
1918 J.E. Rendinell diary 30 June–5 July in One Man’s War (1928) 129: I met our old top-kick Heinie on the Paris-Metz road.at top kick (n.) under top, adj.