Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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The Noble Souldier choose

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[UK] S. Rowley Noble Souldier III i: They say there’s a fire in a Whore-masters Cod-peece.
at cod-piece (n.) under cod, n.3
[UK] S. Rowley Noble Souldier IV i: kin.: A Frenchman? med.: We Mounsire.
at mounseer, n.
[UK] S. Rowley Noble Souldier IV i: The Divell lyes sicke of the Mulligrubs.
at mulligrubs, n.
[UK] S. Rowley Noble Souldier V i: I will fawne On them, as they stroake me, till they are fast But in this paw.
at paw, n.
[UK] S. Rowley Noble Souldier IV i: You whorson pocky French Spawne of a bursten-bellyed Spyder.
at pocky, adj.
[UK] Rowley Noble Souldier IV i: You Salsa-Perilla Rascall, Toad-guts, you whorson pockey French Spawne of a bursten-bellyed Spyder.
at toad, n.
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