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Under the Sjambok choose

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[SA] G.H. Russell Under the Sjambok 206: I never thought four year ago, when I lived in Brummagem, that I’d ’ave got my tongue round it.
at Brummagem, n.
[SA] G.H. Russell Under the Sjambok 212: I would become possessed of a weapon on the first opportunity; even an old ‘gas-pipe’.
at gas pipe, n.2
[SA] G.H. Russell Under the Sjambok 29: Except for the ordinary Kafir mouchi, he wore no clothing, and I could see that he was a mompara.
at mompara, n.
[SA] G.H. Russell Under the Sjambok 84: Why waste good cartridges on the Rooi Nek? [Ibid.] 108: It is the Rooi Neker or the Hottentot and kafir who have done this.
at rooinek, n.
[SA] G.H. Russell Under the Sjambok 184: You ought to be called ‘Slim’ (sly) Piet, instead of ‘Long’ Piet.
at slim, adj.
[SA] G.H. Russell Under the Sjambok 46: Can you not see that I am a smouzer? (trader).
at smous, n.
[SA] G.H. Russell Under the Sjambok 126: The rebels, the men who hate the Boers, and will not pay a ticky (three-pennybit) hut tax!
at tickey, n.
[SA] G.H. Russell Under the Sjambok 74: ‘Footseck!’ she said, as the head of a huge Kafir hound appeared.
at voetsak!, excl.
[SA] G.H. Russell Under the Sjambok 77: I think the Landrost was fraaing (courting) the young woman.
at vry, v.
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