at know a thing or two, v.
at abram-man, n.
at get along with you!, excl.
at baker’s dozen, n.1
at blow, v.1
at blow-out, n.1
at old buck (n.) under buck, n.1
at bulldog, n.
at chicken-hearted, adj.
at come the old soldier (v.) under come the..., v.
at odd-come-shortly, n.
at leathern conveniency, n.
at cook up, v.
at cull, n.1
at draggle-tailed, adj.
at hard, adv.
at off the hook(s) under hook, n.1
at horse marine (n.) under horse, n.
at low-toby, n.
at proper, adj.
at pull caps (v.) under pull, v.
at skylight (n.) under sky, n.1
at ’slife!, excl.
at twaddle, n.
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