Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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[Aus] Daily News (Perth) 5 Dec. n.p.: It was ‘hard mozzle’ for Singapore.
at mozzle, n.
[Aus] Dly News (Perth) 3 Aug. 2/8: Beer-drinkers in Munich are congratulating themselves because of a new law. It imposes upon saloon-keepers a fine of £25, with two weeks’ imprisonment, if they serve a patron with a glass of beer which has too deep a collar - that is, too much froth.
at collar, n.
[Aus] Dly News (Perth) 24 Jan. 5/3: [advert] A BOSHTER BOOT SALE IS NOW ON AT HUNTER’S CITY BOOT PALACE.
at boshter, adj.
[Aus] Dly News (Perth) 6 Aug. 1/6: ‘Don’t talk to me about ’im ’less yer want me to go onkus on yer’.
at go oncus on (v.) under onkus, adj.
[Aus] Dly News (Perth) 1 Feb. 4/4: ‘The public man who leads a party on to victory, and then is not prepared to take office is a shyser’.
at shicer, n.
[Aus] Dly News (Perth) 18 July 9/4: ‘Salaams’ in their most degenerate form have a moneys value too, as when the urchin in the street says – ‘Salaam’ Sab! and forthwith cries – ‘Cherry Merry dio,’ Sab! One may despise the urchin for this.
at cherry-merry, n.
[Aus] Dly News (Perth) 2 Sept. 7/4: The team can play football, but the public don't care for football kept under the lap, or up the sleeve; they want it on the ground.
at under the lap (adv.) under lap, n.1
[Aus] Daily News (Perth) 22 Aug. 4: [headline] Called Him a Squib And Was Knocked Down.
at squib, n.3
[Aus] Dly News (Perth) 24 May 7/2: ‘There’s only likely to be one sort of ending, unless all this man-and-maiden business is a regular swiz’.
at swiz, n.2
[Aus] Dly News (Perth) 25 June 8/4: [H]e was able to keep at work whilst nearly every other horse in the stable was dead amiss.
at dead amiss (adj.) under dead, adv.
[Aus] Dly News (Perth) 9 Jan. 10/6: For the nail-can decoration / Is, you see, an indication / Of a grim determination.
at nail can (n.) under nail, n.1
[Aus] Dly News (Perth) 18 Jan. 5/2: The first two nights we had only the two blankets we were issued with on board ship, and we did a freeze all night.
at do a freeze (v.) under freeze, n.
[Aus] Dly News (Perth) 5 Aug. 5/6: [headline] Passengers on the Trans.
at Trans, the, n.
[Aus] Daily News (Perth) 9 July 5/2: [heading] Our Returned Soldiers. Our ‘Wingies and Stumpies’ Forgather.
at stumpy, n.2
[Aus] Daily News (Perth) 9 July 5/2: [heading] Our Returned Soldiers. Our ‘Wingies and Stumpies’ Forgather.
at wingy, n.
[Aus] Dly News (Perth) : Recently a young woman procured an abortion in Sydney rather than marry the man who was urging her to do so. Her reason was that she was ‘not going to live in “Struggletown,”’ [...] all classes avoid ‘Struggletown’ — the recognised, suburb for people with large families and small incomes.
at struggle-town (n.) under struggle, n.
[Aus] Dly News (Perth) 4 Apr. 5/1: The re-licensing of the hotel at Nedlands will bring about one result for sure. Certain well-known forms of salutation between the residents will return to every day use [...] the innocuous game of ‘bob in’ will doubtless be revived.
at bob in (n.) under bob, n.3
[Aus] Dly News (Perth) 12 Nov. 10/4: [headline] AMONG THE EPITAPHS. DISGRACEFUL GRAVESIDE SCENE. ‘YOU LONG-NOSED JEW.’ ‘YOU DIRTY IRISH COW’ ‘Irish Cows’ and ‘long-nosed Jews'’ were frequently mentioned at the City Court to-day when the P.M. [...] was asked to decide who was responsible for an altercation alongside an open grave in the Karrakatta Cemetery.
at long-nosed, adj.
[Aus] Dly News (Perth) 25 June 6/6: We 'have all heard of ‘a whisky cough’: but how’s this one? He went to a doctor [...] to complain of a terrible cough. He exercised his cough [...] ‘That’s not a cough,’ the, physician said; ‘that’s brewer’s asthma’.
at brewer’s asthma (n.) under brewer’s..., n.
[Aus] Dly News (Perth) 22 Oct. 1/2: Mr. Stevens said that the appellant was the Ideal Public Servant [...] For some considerable time, however, he had been ‘on the drift.’ It was hardly fair as the appellant was highly competent.
at on the drift under drift, v.1
[Aus] Dly News (Perth) 24 Apr. 4/6: Seventeen pages of the ‘Government Gazette’ last week were taken up with the publication of the names of those distinguished gentlemen amongst us who hold what is known as the Commission of the Peace - in other words, of our J’s.P. (not judges of pigs, as a schoolboy once answered an examination question).
at judge of pigs, n.
[Aus] Dly News (Perth) 16 Jan. 6/5: A Brisbane boy would throw a ‘goolie’ (a stone) at the bird; the Adelaide and Melbourne boy would throw a ‘qualier’.
at goolie, n.
[Aus] Dly News (Perth) 16 Jan. 6/5: If the bird were a sparrow, in Sydney and Brisbane it would be called a sprag or spridger; in Adelaide a spoggie; in Melbourne a spriggy.
at sprag, n.2
[Aus] Dly News (Perth) 16 Jan. 6/5: If the bird were a sparrow, in Sydney and Brisbane it would be called a sprag or spridger; in Adelaide a spoggie; in Melbourne a spriggy.
at spridger, n.
[Aus] Dly News (Perth) 20 Aug. 8/2: [A] return to conditions prevailing when [...] farmers were sent to gaol for ‘flogging’ (stealing) sufficient wheat to obtain the bare necessities of life, is not desirable .
at flog, v.
[Aus] Dly News (Perth) 27 Jan. 19/4: You see, it's ideally a step up from the ordinary, garden variety low heel in that Raffles is definitely an aristocratic cad.
at lowheel, n.
[Aus] Dly News (Perth) 13 Feb. 5/3: ‘S’pose you’ll be goin’ straight home now at knock off time, Charlie [...] No more sixpence in for a quicky down at the corner’.
at quickie, n.
[Aus] Daily News (Perth) 19 Mar. 18/1: Critics of mechanization [...] were described yesterday by Mr Semple as ‘snivelling snuffle-busters’.
at snuffle-buster (n.) under snuffle, n.
[Aus] Dly News (Perth) 28 Mar. 14/2: While A.C.F. goods were being unloaded in an Egyptian harbour, a case of golden syrup had burst and almost every tin was smeared with syrup. This attracted myriads of beetles, which overran the store. When the sticky tins went, so did the beetles. Now the troops call golden syrup ‘beetle bait’.
at beetle bait (n.) under beetle, n.1
[Aus] Dly News (Perth) 8 Mar. 7/2: Everything was going bonzer and peaceful, and I was beginning to wonder whether the old chap wasn’t mellowing with age.
at bonzer, adv.
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