1844 C. Selby London By Night I ii: Don’t disturb yourselves, my dear boys, we’re on the square – not on the cross.at on the cross under cross, n.1
1844 C. Selby London by Night II ii: hawk.: I’d give a good round sum to know the name of the treacherous rascal. jack.: Then hand over the dibs, for I did the trick.at dibbs, n.
1844 C. Selby London by Night I i: I must provide our dupe with dress, cash, and all the requirements of a gentleman – so dub up!at dub up, v.1
1844 C. Selby London By Night I iii: I have discovered the rascals, their project, and their victim [...] I fancy we shall spoil their pretty little game.at game, n.
1844 C. Selby London By Night I ii: That’s a good un – a crossing-sweeper giving credit!at good one, n.
1844 C. Selby London by Night I ii: As far as an injun, pannum, and cheese, and a drop of heavy goes, you are perfectly welcome.at heavy wet, n.
1844 C. Selby London by Night II i: jack: Who’s to pay? ned: Whichever you please. jack: Oh! in that case you may as well settle it. ned: Not for Joseph! you asked me to tea.at not for Joe under joe, n.1
1844 C. Selby London by Night I ii: jack: How do you feel? ned: Not quite up to the knocker.at up to the knocker under knocker, n.1
1844 C. Selby London by Night II i: Well, I fancy I shall do; my togs being in keeping with this nobby place, I can pass for a regular swell.at nobby, adj.
1844 C. Selby London By Night I v: His doing a hornpipe on his nut upside down is the most wonderful effort of genius I ever witnessed!at nut, n.1
1844 C. Selby London by Night I ii: As far as an injun, pannum, and cheese, and a drop of heavy goes, you are perfectly welcome.at pannam, n.
1844 C. Selby London By Night I ii: Come along, my pippin, here’s prog and gatter in galore for an old pal.at pippin, n.
1844 C. Selby London By Night I i: I am too old a salt to allow myself to drift on the quicksand of woman’s perfidy.at salt, n.2
1844 C. Selby London by Night II iii: I think I’ve settled him – if not the coming engine will complete the work.at settle, v.
1844 C. Selby London By Night I ii: Don’t disturb yourselves, my dear boys, we’re on the square – not on the cross.at on the square under square, adj.
1844 C. Selby London by Night I i: I was not disappointed with the ‘squeeze,’ for entering the first room, I discovered an open cabinet with a bowl of silver coin.at squeeze, n.1
1844 C. Selby London by Night I v: chairman: Mr Nobley Cole will give a song. omnes: Bravo – bravo! He’s a stunner, he is!at stunner, n.
1844 C. Selby London By Night I i: Tip us your fist. I see you are not too proud to shake hands with an old pal who has seen better days.at tip one’s mitt (v.) under tip, v.3
1844 C. Selby London By Night I ii: Well, as Mr. Fairleigh is what the world calls ‘warm,’ his newly found friends are about to appropriate a portion of his capital.at warm, adj.