2001 A. Sillitoe Birthday 73: He knew the rag-tag-and-bob-tailed bastards well.at rag, tag and bobtail, n.
2001 A. Sillitoe Birthday 139: ‘How is he, then?’ – the arse-crawling bastard.at arse crawl (v.) under arse, n.
2001 A. Sillitoe Birthday 150: The drivers no doubt fed up with seeing the same fat-arsed pantechnicon.at fat-arse, adj.
2001 A. Sillitoe Birthday 167: Every proud-arsed bullshitting bowler-hatted toffee-nosed publisher.at -arsed, sfx
2001 A. Sillitoe Birthday 97: The traffic was flowing like water, not a hitch anywhere, so what about another one-way system, to balls it all up?at balls up, v.
2001 A. Sillitoe Birthday 33: If he had survived as a basket case there would have been no one like Jenny to look after him.at basket case (n.) under basket, n.1
2001 A. Sillitoe Birthday 114: Brenda used to plonk herself in the same place to lighten the mood before going up the wooden hill when Jack was on nights.at Bedfordshire, n.
2001 A. Sillitoe Birthday 32: That bleddy miserable husband she’s got to look after. A right bleddy burden he is.at bladdy, adj.
2001 A. Sillitoe Birthday 32: That bleddy miserable husband she’s got to look after. A right bleddy burden he is.at bloody, adv.
2001 A. Sillitoe Birthday 86: I’m stony broke. I ain’t even got the price of a pint.at stone broke, adj.
2001 A. Sillitoe Birthday 64: The older you get the more people around you kick the bucket.at kick the bucket, v.
2001 A. Sillitoe Birthday 85: Only me to carry the can, except I jacked work in when the firm went bust.at carry the can (for) (v.) under can, n.1
2001 A. Sillitoe Birthday 75: She couldn’t endure his carryings on at the way she carried on, and in any case he absolutely couldn’t stand the way she carried on.at carry on, v.
2001 A. Sillitoe Birthday 170: The country must at one time have been chock-a-block with puffing billies.at chockablock, adj.
2001 A. Sillitoe Birthday 201: An old chokka at the bar asked why I was looking so white in the gills.at chokka, n.
2001 A. Sillitoe Birthday 187: What a fucking surprise he would get. He would jump twenty feet, notebooks and clobber.at clobber, n.
2001 A. Sillitoe Birthday 36: The girl’s fat brute of a father collared him on his way out of work.at collar, v.
2001 A. Sillitoe Birthday 117: They’ve got my mug in a thousand copshops.at cop shop (n.) under cop, n.1
2001 A. Sillitoe Birthday 18: A young soldier in his early twenties, he queued to be measured for his demob suit.at demob suit (n.) under demob, n.
2001 A. Sillitoe Birthday 138: In spite of her brown coat and sweater he knew she could still doll up to the nines for a Saturday night out.at doll up, v.
2001 A. Sillitoe Birthday 98: Those who spouted that the family was done for had grown up with more than he’d had as a kid.at done for, adj.