at rub-a-dub, n.2
at bugger about, v.
at smart-aleck, adj.
at damn-all, n.
at chief cook and bottle-washer, n.
at short-arm inspection (n.) under short arm, n.
at ...a maggot under mad as..., adj.
at busy as a one-armed paper-hanger (adj.) under busy as..., adj.
at come at, v.
at chocks away!, excl.
at mad as a meat axe (adj.) under meat axe, n.
at bad trot (n.) under bad, adj.
at one out of the bag, n.
at balls to...! (excl.) under balls!, excl.
at to beat the band (adv.) under band, n.2
at right as a bank (adj.) under bank, n.1
at bash out (v.) under bash, v.
at on the bash under bash, v.
at bellyflop, n.
at box of birds, n.
at black, n.
at blah, blah, blah under blah, v.
at blow, n.3
at bludge, v.
at in you go says bob munro, phr.
at bomb, n.
at up the boohai (adv.) under booai, n.
at boozed, adj.
at poke (the) borak (v.) under borak, n.
at bottler, n.1
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