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Blue Movie choose

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[US] T. Southern Blue Movie (1974) 94: ‘Did Lazlo check it?’ Sid made a circle with his thumb and forefinger, and winked. ‘A-Okay, B.’.
at A-OK, phr.
[US] T. Southern Blue Movie (1974) 148: How about if I cop your joint [...] you know, give you some head, blow you, suck your cock, that sort of thing.
at cop a joint (v.) under cop a..., v.
[US] T. Southern Blue Movie (1974) 137: Her speciality — beach and surfing movies, or ‘tits-and-ass flicks’ as they were called.
at tits and ass, adj.
[US] T. Southern Blue Movie (1974) 193: Lips Malone don’t know his ass from a hole in the ground.
at not know one’s arse/ass from a hole in the ground (v.) under arse, n.
[US] T. Southern Blue Movie (1974) 233: How the hell is me getting fucked, on camera, by a bunch of . . . stupid . . . dumb-ass . . . nigger extras going to help my image?
at dumb-ass, adj.
[US] T. Southern Blue Movie (1974) 155: I thought I was about to get the ax.
at axe, n.
[US] T. Southern Blue Movie (1974) 189: Now that cocksucker will be on our backs!
at get on someone’s back (v.) under back, n.1
[US] T. Southern Blue Movie (1974) 238: Wow, yeah, that would be a . . . groove, ha-ha, I almost said ‘ball’.
at ball, n.3
[US] T. Southern Blue Movie (1974) 221: I mean, like I’ve been making some heavy trips, and, well, balling has gotten to be, you know, like kind of . . . ‘irrelevant’.
at balling, n.
[US] T. Southern Blue Movie (1974) 12: A pretty girl had to be very careful at one of these Malibu bashes.
at bash, n.1
[US] T. Southern Blue Movie (1974) 20: A view of the pubic region — the ‘beaver shot’ as it was called — occurred only as a brief glimpse.
at beaver shot (n.) under beaver, n.1
[US] T. Southern Blue Movie (1974) 24: They show everything — beaver, cock, the whole store.
at beaver, n.1
[US] T. Southern Blue Movie (1974) 42: How’s your deep-dish beaver Pie today?
at beaver, n.1
[US] T. Southern Blue Movie (1974) 21: ‘Do you think they [i.e. pornographic films] could be improved?’ ‘Ha, you bet your sweet ass they could be improved!’.
at bet one’s (sweet) ass (v.) under bet, v.
[US] T. Southern Blue Movie (1974) 44: ‘Three big ones, baby! And final cut!’ ‘Three million? You’re kidding.’.
at big one, n.
[US] T. Southern Blue Movie (1974) 239: It’s about Angie . . . she did that famous Big Sleep routine. Know the one I mean. Made it, too.
at big sleep (n.) under big, adj.
[US] T. Southern Blue Movie (1974) 188: Every two hours or so, just as Les was about to come round, he would hit him with five grains of the Big M.
at big M, n.
[US] T. Southern Blue Movie (1974) 10: ‘Boris B.’ [...] was a film director, and he was the best in the biz.
at biz, n.1
[US] T. Southern Blue Movie (1974) 194: Sid’s concern [...] was based on the very real fear that Lips would blow the ‘Les in Paris’ cover story.
at blow, v.1
[US] T. Southern Blue Movie (1974) 14: ‘Soirée cinématique!’ she screeched, ‘Soirée du film blue!’.
at blue, adj.3
[US] T. Southern Blue Movie (1974) 54: ‘Oh, it’s happened all right,’ he said, nodding, ‘yessiree bob!’.
at yes siree bob!, excl.
[US] T. Southern Blue Movie (1974) 147: There’s an eight-year old kid in there twisting up hash-bombers big as cigars.
at bomber, n.1
[US] T. Southern Blue Movie (1974) 204: I swear to Christ, B., I never got such a terrific bone-on in my life!
at bone, n.1
[US] T. Southern Blue Movie (1974) 181: One of the boogs blows his stack, goes for a broad — pow, you blast him!
at boog, n.
[US] T. Southern Blue Movie (1974) 246: Feral no try boom-boom. Just happen. Feral very sorry.
at boom-boom, n.3
[US] T. Southern Blue Movie (1974) 9: He began his final laugh, his boss laugh, the kind that [...] turns into a monstro cough.
at boss, adj.
[US] T. Southern Blue Movie (1974) 24: Their gay hostess [...] flashing black lace panties and one spoke-like stretch of ivory thigh, screeching: ‘Anyone for box lunch?!?’.
at box lunch (n.) under box, n.1
[US] T. Southern Blue Movie (1974) 151: Maybe she was faking the whole thing [...] And I was too boxed to notice.
at boxed, adj.
[US] T. Southern Blue Movie (1974) 231: Because they were nearly ready to shoot, his first impulse was to give her a momentary brush.
at give someone the brush(-off) (v.) under brush-off, n.
[US] T. Southern Blue Movie (1974) 188: Lips [...] was indeed driving as though from a Hollywood bank robbery, burning rubber on every curve.
at burn rubber, v.
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