1936 D. Stivens Tramp and Other Stories 154: Probably there might have been other people in the lane—women and men and probably a down-and-out rooting around in a garbage-tin.at down-and-out, n.
1936 D. Stivens Tramp and Other Stories 24: Mad as hatters most of them.at ...a hatter under mad as..., adj.
1936 D. Stivens Tramp and Other Stories 64: ‘You know what he is like with women,’ she said. ‘Bah!’ he muttered, ‘a few housemaids from the farm!’.at bah!, excl.
1936 D. Stivens Tramp and Other Stories 149: I’ve got to tell the story of how this boy got two years in clink in my own way—otherwise I’ll get all balled up.at balled-up, adj.
1936 D. Stivens Tramp and Other Stories 51: He had barked the back of his right hand when he had fallen. Little spots of blood had oozed out.at bark, v.1
1936 D. Stivens Tramp and Other Stories 49: Christ all bloody mighty! The little bitch!at Christ almighty! (excl.) under Christ, n.
1936 D. Stivens Tramp and Other Stories 45: By lunch-time there was only a small oblong island of unstripped crop and he ate his sandwiches hurriedly. ‘You should cut out in less than an hour,’ the farmer said to him.at cut out, v.3
1936 D. Stivens Tramp and Other Stories 86: There’s the bar and the travellers — and what the girls make — you bet she gets a cut out of that.at cut, n.1
1936 D. Stivens Tramp and Other Stories 52: He put his hand on the drunk’s shoulder and pushed. [...] ‘’Ere, cut that out!’ one of the drunken men cried.at cut that out! (excl.) under cut out, v.3
1936 D. Stivens Tramp and Other Stories 144: Some of these people have been trying to put the dirt into me!at dirt, n.
1936 D. Stivens Tramp and Other Stories 83: ‘Did you get that stink?’ ‘I got it,’ the other said.at get, v.
1936 D. Stivens Tramp and Other Stories 86: There’s the bar and the travellers — and what the girls make — you bet she gets a cut out of that.at girl, n.1
1936 D. Stivens Tramp and Other Stories 121: But hang it—you know—there were others.at hang it (all)! (excl.) under hang, v.1
1936 D. Stivens Tramp and Other Stories 137: I gave that fellow a hidin’, small as I was compared with him.at hiding, n.
1936 D. Stivens Tramp and Other Stories 23: A lousy one-horse town! God, what a hole! I wouldn’t live here for a thousand a year.at hole, n.1
1936 D. Stivens Tramp and Other Stories 48: ‘When do you knock off?’ ‘Six. You don’t catch me serving after hours. His nibs can do that.’.at knock off, v.
1936 D. Stivens Tramp and Other Stories 176: ‘You come inside,’ she said, ‘if you get cold — won’t you, Faither?’ They always addressed each other in this way. ‘Yes, Moither,’ the old man said.at mother, n.
1936 D. Stivens Tramp and Other Stories 49: Bloody poor way of spendin’ the afternoon . . . keepin’ on the water-waggon . . . she’ll have to make up for mucking my afternoon.at muck, v.1
1936 D. Stivens Tramp and Other Stories 5: Can he fight? My bloody oath he can!at my bloody oath! (excl.) under my oath!, excl.
1936 D. Stivens Tramp and Other Stories 49: He’s real nasty when he’s drunk. If I had turned him down now he’d have gone drinking and getting nasty and then we’d have had some trouble.at nasty, adj.
1936 D. Stivens Tramp and Other Stories 48: ‘When do you knock off?’ ‘Six. You don’t catch me serving after hours. His nibs can do that.’.at his nibs (n.) under nibs, n.