1935 L. Hughes Mulatto in Three Negro Plays (1969) Act I: De way he’s acting up can’t go on.at act up, v.
1935 L. Hughes Mulatto in Three Negro Plays (1969) Act I: Driving off in the middle of the day, after I’ve told him to bend his back in that cotton.at bend one’s back (v.) under bend, v.1
1935 L. Hughes Mulatto in Three Negro Plays (1969) Act I: Everything turns on niggers, niggers, niggers! No wonder Yankees call this the Black Belt!at black belt (n.) under black, adj.
1935 L. Hughes Mulatto in Three Negro Plays (1969) Act I: He’s acting like a fool – just like he was boss man round here.at boss man (n.) under boss, n.2
1935 L. Hughes Mulatto in Three Negro Plays (1969) Act I: He was mighty broke up when you said last week that he couldn’t go back to campus.at broke up, adj.
1935 L. Hughes Mulatto in Three Negro Plays (1969) Act I: He’s no more than any other black buck on this plantation – due to work like the rest of ’em.at buck, n.1
1935 L. Hughes Mulatto in Three Negro Plays (1969) II ii: Norwood didn’t have a gang o’ yellow girls, though, like Higgins and some o’ these other big bugs.at big bug (n.) under bug, n.1
1935 L. Hughes Mulatto in Three Negro Plays (1969) II i: They’re not going to string me up to some roadside tree for the crackers to laugh at.at cracker, n.3
1935 L. Hughes Mulatto in Three Negro Plays (1969) Act I: A darkie’s got to keep in his place down here.at darkie, n.
1935 L. Hughes Mulatto in Three Negro Plays (1969) Act I: Taste better’n this old mountain juice we get around here.at mountain dew, n.
1935 L. Hughes Mulatto in Three Negro Plays (1969) Act I: This here sewin’s really fine.at fine, adj.
1935 L. Hughes Mulatto in Three Negro Plays (1969) Act I: Can I fix you a cool drink, Colonel Tom?at fix, v.1
1935 L. Hughes Mulatto in Three Negro Plays (1969) Act I: Don’t ever show black folks they got you going, though.at get going, v.
1935 L. Hughes Mulatto in Three Negro Plays (1969) II ii: Then I cried and cried and told ma mother about it, but she didn’t take it hard like I thought she’d take it.at take it hard (v.) under hard, adv.
1935 L. Hughes Mulatto in Three Negro Plays (1969) Act I: Is that damn Frigidaire working right? Or is Livonia still too thick-headed to know how to run it?at thick-headed, adj.
1935 L. Hughes Mulatto in Three Negro Plays (1969) Act I: Boy, I’m gonna fan your hide if you don’t hush!at hide, n.
1935 L. Hughes Mulatto in Three Negro Plays (1969) Act I: ’Bout a dozen coloured guys standing around, too, and not one of ’em would help me – the dumb jiggaboos!at jigaboo, n.
1935 L. Hughes Mulatto in Three Negro Plays (1969) Act I: Look at me. I’m a ’fay boy. See these grey eyes?at ofay, adj.
1935 L. Hughes Mulatto in Three Negro Plays (1969) Act I: He sassed out Miss Gray in the post office over a box of radio tubes that come by mail.at sass (out), v.
1935 L. Hughes Mulatto in Three Negro Plays (1969) Act I: Cotton teaches these pickaninnies enough round here. Some of ’em’s too smart as it is.at piccaninny, n.
1935 L. Hughes Mulatto in Three Negro Plays (1969) II ii: Thirty years ago, you put your hands on me to feel my breasts, and you say, ‘You a pretty little piece of flesh, ain’t you?’.at piece of flesh (n.) under piece, n.
1935 L. Hughes Mulatto in Three Negro Plays (1969) Act I: That’s de Colonel’s favourite chair. If he knows any little darkie’s been jumpin’ on it, he raise sand.at raise sand (v.) under sand, n.1
1935 L. Hughes Mulatto in Three Negro Plays (1969) Act I: You comes home wid yo’ head full o’ stubborness and yo’ mouth full o’ sass for me an’ de white folks an’ everybody.at sass, n.1
1935 L. Hughes Mulatto in Three Negro Plays (1969) Act I: Says he’s mo’ sassy and impudent now than any nigger he ever seed.at sassy, adj.
1935 L. Hughes Mulatto in Three Negro Plays (1969) II ii: Every white man that’s able to walk’s out with the posse. They’ll have that young nigger swingin’ before ten.at swing, v.
1935 L. Hughes Mulatto in Three Negro Plays (1969) Act I: Don’t talk to me, old slavery-time Uncle Tom.at Uncle Tom, n.
1935 L. Hughes Mulatto in Three Negro Plays (1969) Act I: Cora say for me to ask you is it all right to bring that big old trunk [...] down by de front steps. We ain’t been able to tote it down them narrer little back steps, sah.at tote, v.1
1935 L. Hughes Mulatto in Three Negro Plays (1969) II i: And he’s runnin’ – runnin’ from po’ white trash which ain’t worth de little finger o’ nobody what’s got your blood in ’em, Tom.at white trash, n.
1935 L. Hughes Mulatto in Three Negro Plays (1969) Act I: Said his name was Norwood – not Lewis, like the rest of his family [...] and all that kind of stuff, boasting to the wall-eyed coons listening to him.at wall-eyed (adj.) under wall, n.