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[US] L. Uris Battle Cry 129: What’s biting his ass?
at bite, v.
[US] L. Uris Battle Cry (1964) 137: Burnside chuggalugged his third bottle down.
at chug-a-lug, v.
[US] L. Uris Battle Cry (1964) 193: Danny [...] loaded up a couple of ammo clips.
at ammo, n.
[US] L. Uris Battle Cry (1964) 129: Well, kiss my moneymaking ass.
at kiss my arse!, excl.
[US] L. Uris Battle Cry (1964) 139: The raggedy assed Marines are on parade.
at ragged-arsed, adj.
[US] L. Uris Battle Cry (1964) 136: I think Mac is going Asiatic on us.
at asiatic, adj.
[US] L. Uris Battle Cry (1964) 185: ‘Candy-ass Marines,’ our boys would shout.
at candy-ass, adj.
[US] L. Uris Battle Cry (1964) 127: Off your dead asses and on your dying feet.
at dead ass, n.
[US] L. Uris Battle Cry (1964) 41: I want the lard asses to my left. [Ibid.] 56: Hey, lard, you sick?
at lard-ass, n.
[US] L. Uris Battle Cry (1964) 24: I’ve been busted in the ass plenty.
at bust in the ass under ass, n.
[US] L. Uris Battle Cry (1964) 118: The ass pack [...] is rigged so it hangs [...] level with a man’s backside.
at ass-pack (n.) under ass, n.
[US] L. Uris Battle Cry (1964) 49: This here guy is a horse’s ass.
at horse’s ass, n.
[US] L. Uris Battle Cry (1964) 114: I don’t give a big rat’s ass what you guys think.
at give a rat’s ass (v.) under rat’s ass, n.
[US] L. Uris Battle Cry (1964) 92: What’s the mater, Danny, got the red ass?
at get the red ass (v.) under red ass, n.
[US] L. Uris Battle Cry (1964) 191: Come on, Burnside, getting candy-assed?
at candy-assed, adj.
[US] L. Uris Battle Cry (1964) 193: What kind of stupid-assed question is that.
at -assed, sfx
[US] L. Uris Battle Cry (1964) 116: I’ll rip him open from asshole to appetite.
at from asshole to appetite under asshole, n.
[US] L. Uris Battle Cry (1964) 296: Set up the TBX and get in contact with this baby.
at baby, n.
[US] L. Uris Battle Cry (1964) 16: Old Lawrence would have pulled something out of the bag.
at pull something out of the bag (v.) under bag, n.1
[US] L. Uris Battle Cry (1964) 152: O.K., sister, that’s the ball game.
at that’s the ballgame under ballgame, n.
[US] L. Uris Battle Cry (1964) 246: Now there’s a man with right fuzzy balls.
at man with the fuzzy balls (n.) under balls, n.
[US] L. Uris Battle Cry (1964) 104: I was [...] trying to make time with a barfly.
at bar-fly, n.
[US] L. Uris Battle Cry (1964) 397: We took to them right off the bat.
at right off the bat (adv.) under bat, n.2
[US] L. Uris Battle Cry (1964) 47: Confidentially I know she looks like a beast.
at beast, n.
[US] L. Uris Battle Cry (1964) 291: The squad, sitting about, beating their gums.
at beat one’s gums, v.
[US] L. Uris Battle Cry 274: ‘Looks like you lost your beer gut, Mac,’ I said to him. ‘Been on a diet, Mac,’ he answered.
at beer gut (n.) under beer, n.
[US] L. Uris Battle Cry (1964) 48: The bitching session faded.
at bitch session (n.) under bitch, v.
[US] L. Uris Battle Cry (1964) 292: I know you hear a lot of Marines bitch.
at bitch, v.
[US] L. Uris Battle Cry (1964) 283: What kind of a bloke do you think I’d be.
at bloke, n.
[US] L. Uris Battle Cry (1964) 234: Any co-operation [...] from the Navy will blow sky high.
at blow sky high, v.
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