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Some Lives! choose

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[UK] D. Widgery Some Lives! 9: You will have to speak up, I’m a bit mutton.
at mutt and jeff, adj.
[UK] D. Widgery Some Lives! 3: So I just blanks him and he starts giving me licks.
at blank, v.2
[UK] D. Widgery Some Lives! 3: Then he [...] blasts the next geezer and just touches it in. Safeness.
at blast, v.1
[UK] D. Widgery Some Lives! 97: A boozer with ‘Love’ and ‘Hate’ tattoed on knuckles.
at boozer, n.
[UK] D. Widgery Some Lives! 94: ‘Happy?’ he says in thick Brum.
at Brum, n.
[UK] D. Widgery Some Lives! 112: The East End tradition of knowing how to dress up for an outing has gone for a burton.
at go for a Burton (v.) under Burton, n.
[UK] D. Widgery Some Lives! 6: In its Turkish baths steam a sometimes uneasy mixture of boxers, market traders and gay cruisers.
at cruiser, n.
[UK] D. Widgery Some Lives! 5: They can cut up a bit when they’ve had a few.
at cut up, v.1
[UK] D. Widgery Some Lives! 103: Could you arrange detox for my boyfriend: he wants to come off.
at detox, n.
[UK] D. Widgery Some Lives! 27: It’s a bit dicky, like. [...] Maybe I will go in. As long as you don’t make me a geriatric case, Doc.
at dicky, adj.1
[UK] D. Widgery Some Lives! 192: Oh, my God, I’m a goner. Whatcha going to do, Doc?
at goner, n.1
[UK] D. Widgery Some Lives! 184: Many of them, like myself, ‘greeners’ [newcomers], willing to work at anything.
at greener, n.1
[UK] D. Widgery Some Lives! 147: I pass the dealer’s house [...] every night and H makes the video more interesting.
at H, n.
[UK] D. Widgery Some Lives! 156: ‘I can’t hack it anymore,’ she wept.
at hack it (v.) under hack, v.5
[UK] D. Widgery Some Lives! 3: So I just blanks him and he starts giving me licks.
at licks, n.
[UK] D. Widgery Some Lives! 106: He’s from an age when young women were called Vera and said ‘Lord Luv A Duck’.
at lord love-a-duck! (excl.) under lord love...!, excl.
[UK] D. Widgery Some Lives! 21: Musn’t grumble [...] Only got mugged, didn’t I.
at mug, v.1
[UK] D. Widgery Some Lives! 173: By the mid-eighteenth century, there were also clearly defined East End Irish communities [...] In their cottages in the Cable Street area, nicknamed ‘knockvargis’, they were assumed to be ‘mumpers’ (scroungers).
at mumper, n.
[UK] D. Widgery Some Lives! 139: The East End is London’s traditional Skid Row.
at skid row, n.
[UK] D. Widgery Some Lives! 3: ‘And then he twines him and blasts the next geezer and just touches it in. Safeness’ (football).
at safeness (n.) under safe, adj.
[UK] D. Widgery Some Lives! 105: Baby-faced heroin addict from Bootle. Scally clothing, arm full of tracks.
at scally, adj.
[UK] D. Widgery Some Lives! 165: I write a scrip for 300.
at scrip, n.2
[UK] D. Widgery Some Lives! 19: There has been trouble down at the Social.
at Social, the, n.
[UK] D. Widgery Some Lives! 132: ‘Don’t like them silly puffers,’ she says [...] ‘Well tough because you’ve got to use them.’.
at tough, adj.
[UK] D. Widgery Some Lives! 105: Baby-faced heroin addict [...] arm full of tracks.
at tracks, n.
[UK] D. Widgery Some Lives! 4: Yesterday a health visitor at work was greeted by a four-year-old with the words ‘Fuckin’ wog.’.
at wog, n.1
[UK] D. Widgery Some Lives! 187: An antidote to the fatalistic motto of the Yiddish immigrant.
at Yiddish, adj.
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