at all my eye, phr.
at bad egg (n.) under bad, adj.
at beastly, adj.
at how the blazes! (excl.) under blazes, n.
at bloat, n.
at blue, n.1
at bluejacket, n.
at blunt, n.1
at bone, v.1
at John Bull, n.1
at bully!, excl.
at bundle, n.1
at calico, n.1
at clapperclaw, v.
at come the double (v.) under come the..., v.
at come down with (v.) under come down, v.1
at damn, v.
at dipping, n.
at do, v.2
at come the double (on/over) (v.) under double, n.1
at dough, n.
at dusty, adj.1
at easy, adj.
at eye-opener, n.1
at gal, n.
at gay house (n.) under gay, adj.
at go it, boots! (excl.) under go it!, excl.
at give it hot (and strong) (v.) under hot, adv.
at huge, adj.
at hunky, adj.1
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