1992 T. Williams Crackhouse 123: They’re the ones who can turn a person down if they don’t like him or if he don’t look right – if the guy looks sickly or look like he’s got the big A.at big A, n.
1992 T. Williams Crackhouse 151: spacebase cigar with tobacco removed and refilled with angel dust (PCP) and crack-cocaine.at angel dust, n.
1992 T. Williams Crackhouse 135: It is unclear how the father knew she was a ‘basehead’.at basehead (n.) under base, n.1
1992 T. Williams Crackhouse 55: Until that time Liz had not used crack. ‘I didn’t base until we broke up, because I didn’t like the smell of the stuff. I started basing because I was hanging out with these crackheads.’.at base, v.2
1992 T. Williams Crackhouse 146: base house – location for purchasing and using crack-cocaine freebase (pre-1985).at basehouse (n.) under base, n.1
1992 T. Williams Crackhouse 73: She is actually making freebase. ‘I’m not cooking crack now,’ she laughs. ‘This is base. This is the bigtime.’.at base, n.1
1992 T. Williams Crackhouse 74: Nobody does base anymore because coke ain’t selling; it’s crack that’s selling.at base, n.1
1992 T. Williams Crackhouse 4: Freebase, or ‘base,’ is cocaine with the hydrochloride removed, a process that involves reducing the powdered cocaine to a rock-like substance ready for smoking. Crack is similar, but one or more chemicals are added in its manufacture. [Ibid.] 9: People began to smoke cocaine in the form of ‘base’ or ‘crack’.at base, n.1
1992 T. Williams Crackhouse 146: base galleries – places for use of freebase; entrance fee required, with use and selling on premises.at base gallery (n.) under base, n.1
1992 T. Williams Crackhouse 4: By 1985, crackhouses – then called ‘basing galleries’ – were becoming the major institutions catering to cocaine users.at basing gallery, n.
1992 T. Williams Crackhouse 74: ‘I thought bazuca was the residue when they make freebase,’ he says, ‘and con-con was just about the same thing.’.at basuco, n.
1992 T. Williams Crackhouse 74: The kids in my old block used to soak Bambu paper with the con-con, roll a cigarette and smoke it, and call that bazuca. Now they do something quite different. They mix dope [heroin] and crack in the pipe.at bazuca, n.
1992 T. Williams Crackhouse 42: Every crack user must have a stem [...] One cannot ‘beam up’ or ‘talk to Scotty’ without one.at beam up, v.1
1992 T. Williams Crackhouse 35: When you want to get high, you say, ‘Beam me up, Scotty’.at beam me up, Scotty!, excl.
1992 T. Williams Crackhouse 21: Others freeze momentarily in order to ‘see Scotty’ — a term for the crack-cocaine high. [Ibid.] 118: Others won’t let a man touch them while they’re talking to Scotty. [Ibid.] 123: Having sex is natural. It’s just better when you’re high off Scotty.at beam me up, Scotty, n.
1992 T. Williams Crackhouse 82: One night I went and there was this little kid behind the scale who I didn’t know. [Ibid. ] 146: behind the scale – weighing and selling cocaine.at behind the scale (n.) under behind, prep.
1992 T. Williams Crackhouse 135: So I got angry and pitched the bitch.at pitch a/the bitch (v.) under bitch, n.1
1992 T. Williams Crackhouse 80: Watching users, it is clear that they try very hard to maintain the intense part of the high, the ‘blast’.at blast, n.1
1992 T. Williams Crackhouse 81: As I pulled, I could see the cloud gathering, what they call the ‘blizzard’.at blizzard, n.1
1992 T. Williams Crackhouse 74: For a time, New York City users took to smoking ‘blunts,’ a mixture of crack-cocaine, marijuana, and tobacco. [Ibid.] 147: blunt – cigar with most of the tobacco removed, refilled with cocaine and marijuana (coke blunt) or sinsemilla, Thai, indica, or other high-grade marijuana (buda blunt).at blunt, n.3
1992 T. Williams Crackhouse 65: Six teenage boys bop through wearing rabbit-ear hats, crooked caps, or hooded parkas.at bop, v.
1992 T. Williams Crackhouse 147: blunt – cigar with most of the tobacco removed, refilled with cocaine and marijuana (coke blunt) or sinsemilla, Thai, indica, or other high-grade marijuana (buda blunt).at buddha, n.
1992 T. Williams Crackhouse 120: A master blaster is nothing more than a big rock of crack. But a double master blaster is something altogether different. That’s when a man is being buffed by a girl while he’s smoking on the pipe with crack in it and he comes.at buff, v.2
1992 T. Williams Crackhouse 117: She wants men to see her as an attractive girl, not as a person who’s a good buffer.at buffer, n.6
1992 T. Williams Crackhouse 77: This is what we call ‘the bug-out’ – we say ‘he’s bugging’.at bug, v.6