at blow a fuse, v.
at stick out like a sore thumb, v.
at string (along) with (v.) under string (along), v.
at amidships, adv.
at have someone/something by the short and curlies (v.) under short and curlies, n.
at apple sauce, n.1
at in the bag under bag, n.1
at when the balloon goes up under balloon, n.
at bally, adj.
at banana oil (n.) under banana, n.
at beak, n.1
at bean, v.
at beezer, n.1
at ring a bell (v.) under bell, n.1
at under one’s belt under belt, n.
at you bet! (excl.) under bet, v.
at bimbo, n.
at binge, n.
at give someone a/the (big) bird (v.) under bird, n.2
at bite, v.
at give someone/something a black eye (v.) under black eye, n.
at blighter, n.
at blind, v.2
at blister, n.1
at blow me tight!, excl.
at I’ll be blowed! (excl.) under blowed, adj.1
at blue, adj.1
at bohunkus, n.
at go and boil (the back of) your head! (excl.) under boil, v.
at to the bone (adv.) under bone, n.1
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