1895 Worker (Sydney) 20 Apr. 113: Real good beer chewers, I admit, they could drink anything from clay-pan water to Port Mackay rum.at beer-chewer (n.) under beer, n.
1895 in Sydney Worker Feb. n.p.: Painted by him I am a narrow, bigoted, snuffle-busting son of a gun whose grog blossomed ‘conk’ gives the lie to his watery protestations.at conk, n.1
1895 Worker (Sydney) 9 Feb. 3/2: He had had but three weeks’ exprience of colonial life. In digging parlance he was a ‘joey’ [AND].at joey, n.1
1895 in Sydney Worker Feb. n.p.: Painted by him I am a narrow, bigoted, snuffle-busting son of a gun whose grog blossomed ‘conk’ gives the lie to his watery protestations.at snuffle-buster (n.) under snuffle, n.
1895 in Sydney Worker Feb. n.p.: Painted by him I am a narrow, bigoted, snuffle-busting son of a gun whose grog blossomed ‘conk’ gives the lie to his watery protestations.at sonofagun, n.
1896 Worker (Sydney) 11 July 4/2: The luxury of being alone with his sorrow was denied him, however, for anon neighbouring ‘batchers’ kept dropping in.at bacher (n.) under bach (it), v.
1896 Worker (Sydney) 5 Sept. 3/4: If the ‘knights of the blades’ and their comrades will resolve to sink all minor issues [...] Unionism must soon flourish and become all powerful throughout Australia.at knight of the blade, n.
1896 Worker (Sydney) Aug. 3/3: Some very thinned-skinned individuals have been ‘rousing’ on me for what they term my ‘strong language’ [AND].at rouse, v.
1897 Worker (Sydney) 7 Aug. 3/3: Now, Mr Editor, I wish all our lads to be warned against those sheep cockeys who are going to cut down the price [AND].at sheep-cocky (n.) under cocky, n.2
1897 Worker (Sydney) 11 Sept. 1/1: His boss he gives some funny names, when he can’t hear the joke, He calls him ‘joint’ and ‘finger’, / and he sometimes calls him ‘bloke’.at finger, n.
1898 Worker (Sydney) 26 Feb. 7/2: As ‘Knights of the Blade’ we may not be as swift as Power or Mick the Ringer, but we are all there from start to finish.at knight of the blade, n.
1898 Worker (Sydney) 20 Aug. 3/3: He had to cross a creek up Leperland way, which is infested with alligators.at Leperland, n.