1962 (con. WWII) J. Jones Thin Red Line (1963) 58: He’s a jerkoff. A mothergrabbing jerkoff [...] He don’t know his ass from third base.at not know one’s arse/ass from... (v.) under arse, n.
1962 (con. WWII) J. Jones Thin Red Line (1963) 37: Well, here’s a real ass-breaker. I sure can collect them.at ass-breaker (n.) under ass, n.
1962 (con. WWII) J. Jones Thin Red Line (1963) 388: I don’t know what these dumbasses would do if they didn’t have me around to take care of them.at dumb-ass, n.
1962 (con. WWII) J. Jones Thin Red Line (1963) 268: He was not here for any crapped up West Point heroics, he was here because he was a brave man and a very good soldier.at crap up (v.) under crap, v.2
1962 (con. WWII) J. Jones Thin Red Line (1963) 59: And where do you find germs? In dirt, dopehead.at dopehead (n.) under dope, n.2
1962 (con. WWII) J. Jones Thin Red Line (1963) 262: And if they no longer existed, it didn’t either and was no longer important. So what the fuck?at what the fuck!, excl.
1962 (con. WWII) James Jones Thin Red Line (1963) 268: There was no doubt in his hard hackpusher’s mind about which side he would be on.at hack-pusher (n.) under hack, n.1
1962 (con. WWII) J. Jones Thin Red Line (1963) 58: He’s a jerkoff. A mothergrabbing jerkoff.at jerk-off, n.
1962 (con. WWII) J. Jones Thin Red Line (1963) 418: There were lots of queer Cooks and Bakers and such, coke sackers, sock tuckers, and cork soakers, all around the island, and everybody knew about them.at queer, adj.