1706 Answer to the Fifteen Comforts of Whoring 3: Then how he’d call me arrant Bitch and Whore, / And Swear some Stallion had been there before.at bitch, n.1
1706 Answer to the Fifteen Comforts of Whoring 3: For as I was by fickle Man betray’d, / So Men by me too shall be Bubbles made.at bubble, n.1
1706 Answer to the Fifteen Comforts of Whoring 6: We Pimps and Bullies keep to be our Bail, / When Sharping Baliffs nabb us for a Jayl.at bully, n.1
1706 Answer to the Fifteen Comforts of Whoring 2: Youth is so hot / To get about the Maiden’s Honey-pot.at honeypot, n.
1706 Answer to the Fifteen Comforts of Whoring 2: Youth is so hot / To get about the Maiden’s Honey-pot.at hot, adj.
1706 Answer to the Fifteen Comforts of Whoring Preface: It is the Way of the World for most Men to be inclinable to love Lac’d Mutton.at laced mutton (n.) under laced, adj.
1706 Answer to the Fifteen Comforts of Whoring 6: We Pimps and Bullies keep to be our Bail, / When Sharping Baliffs nabb us for a Jayl.at nab, v.1
1706 Answer to the Fifteen Comforts of Whoring 7: Some prick-louse Taylor strutting up will come / With whom for want we’re forc’d to comp’y, / for one poor two pence wet, and two pence dry.at prick-(the-)louse (n.) under prick, v.2
1706 Answer to the Fifteen Comforts of Whoring 3: Then how he’d call me arrant Bitch and Whore, / And Swear some Stallion had been there before.at stallion, n.
1706 Answer to the Fifteen Comforts of Whoring 3: For which if they shou’d at the Gallows Swing, / Their End I’d in some merry Ditty Sing.at swing, v.
1706 Answer to the Fifteen Comforts of Whoring 7: But now good lack-a-day our Trade’s so bad [...] Our common Whores can scarce their Livings get.at trade, n.
1706 Answer to the Fifteen Comforts of Whoring 7: Some prick-louse Taylor, strutting up will come / With whom for want we’re forc’d to comp’y, / for one poor two pence wet, and two pence dry.at two pence wet and two pence dry (n.) under two, adj.
1706 Answer to the Fifteen Comforts of Whoring 7: With pietty and winning ways we do assure, / ourselves to bring the Woodcocks to our Lair.at woodcock, n.