1620 J. Howell Familiar Letters (1737) 1 May 40: I have sent you [...] the French bever [...] Bever-hats are grown dearer of late.at beaver, n.1
1620 J. Howell Familiar Letters (1753) 3 Aug. 229: I am one of them who value not a courtesy that hangs long betwixt the fingers. I love not those viscosa beneficia, those bird-limed kindnesses which Pliny speaks of.at birdlime, adj.
1620 J. Howell Familiar Letters (1737) I 1 May 39: The Secretary was put to beat the hoof himself, and foot it home.at beat the hoof (v.) under hoof, n.
1620 J. Howell Familiar Letters (1737) I 8 Sept. 45: They cut off his Genitories (and they say he was hung like an Ass) and sent them as a present to the Duke of Main.at hung like an ass under hung, adj.
1620 J. Howell Familiar Letters (1737) I 1 May 39: We were suddenly surpriz’d by a Crew of Filous of [? or] Night-Rogues, who drew upon us [...] There is never a Night passes, but some Robbing or Murder is committed in this Town [i.e. Paris].at night hunter (n.) under night, n.
1620 J. Howell Familiar Letters (1737) I 12 May 42: He took the round Cover of the Close-stool, and clap’d it on his bald Sconce.at sconce, n.1
1621 J. Howell Familiar Letters (1737) I 21 Aug. 67: The young Maid having understood that Don Baltran had been in Naples, and had that Disease.at Naples canker, n.
1621 J. Howell Familiar Letters I (1737) 2 Feb. 81: What do you think of his Head-piece? Is he a proper Man for the Office of an Ambassador?at head-piece, n.
1622 J. Howell Familiar Letters (1737) II Dec. 90: For the latter strength, we may thank our Countryman Ward, and Danskey the Butterbag Hollander.at butterbag (n.) under butter, n.1
1622 J. Howell Familiar Letters (1737) I 23 Feb. 129: Notwithstanding all these Traverses, we are confident here that the Match will take, otherwise my Cake is Dough.at cake is dough under cake, n.1
1622 J. Howell Familiar Letters 10 Dec.(1737) I 110: Ale, which he thought was the wholesomest liquor that could go into one’s Guts.at gut, n.
1622 J. Howell Familiar Letters (1737) I 3 Mar. 113: This business is now in hot agitation.at hot, adj.
1622 J. Howell Familiar Letters (1737) II 5 Mar. 114: He treated with a Pandar to procure him a Courtesan [...] The Pandar did his Office, but brought him a Citizen clad in Damoisell’s apparell, so she and her Maquerell were paid accordingly.at mackerel, n.
1623 J. Howell Familiar Letters (1737) I 2 Mar. 155: There is a buz here of a Match ’twixt England and France.at buzz, n.
1623 J. Howell Familiar Letters (1737) I 3 Feb. 164: He told me also a merry one; how a Captain that had a wooden Leg [...] had it shatter’d to pieces by a Cannon-bullet: His Soldiers crying, A Surgeon [...] no, no, said he, A Carpenter, a Carpenter will serve the turn.at good one, n.
1626 J. Howell Familiar Letters I (1737) 20 Nov. 186: Many hundreds of them being surprized, and found dead-drunk, the Spaniards came and tore off their Ears and Noses.at dead, adv.
1628 J. Howell Familiar Letters (1737) I 1 Aug. 207: It is a humour of Swearing in all your discourses; and they are not slight, but deep, far-fetch’d Oaths that you are wont to rap out.at rap, v.1
1629 J. Howell Familiar Letters (1737) I 5 July 220: He had so far transgressed the Fannian Law, which allows a chirping Cup to satiate, not to surfeit, to mirth, not to madness.at chirping merry, adj.
1629 J. Howell Familiar Letters (1737) I 5 July 220: I am sorry to have found Jack T. in that pickle, and that he had so far transgressed the Fannian Law, which allows a chirping Cup to satiate, not to surfeit, to mirth, not to madness [...] Jack T. I fear will die in a Butt of Canary.at pickle, n.
1630 J. Howell Familiar Letters (1737) I 3 Dec. 226: My Lord Powis [...] said, Dammy if ever he come to be King of England, I will turn Rebel.at damme!, excl.
1632 J. Howell Familiar Letters (1737) I 20 Oct. 237: I [...] send your Lordship what followeth touching this great Hans-Town [...] The old Hans had extraordinary Immunities give them by our Henry III.at Hans, n.
1633 J. Howell Familiar Letters I (1737) 1 Apr. 249: There are odd doings in France, and ’tis no new thing for the French to be always a doing.at doings, n.1
1633 J. Howell Familiar Letters (1737) I 3 June 252: The Spaniard have an odd saying [...] A Portuguese was engender’d of a Jew’s Fart.at fart, n.
1634 J. Howell Familiar Letters (1753) II 7 Oct. 366: Ale is thought to be much adulterated, and nothing so good as [...] Smug the smith was used to drink.at smug, n.1
1635 J. Howell Familiar Letters (1737) II 15 Jan. 336: While the Husband is abroad upon the Gallies, there be others that shoot his Gulf at home.at gulf, n.
1636 J. Howell 5 Apr. Familiar Letters (1737) II 323: T. Ca. buzz’d me in the ear, that tho’ Ben had barell’d up a great deal of knowledge, yet it seems he had not read the Ethicks.at buzz, v.1
1639 J. Howell Familiar Letters (1737) I 276: My Vintner and Shoe-maker fell into a hot dispute about Bishops.at hot, adj.
1642 J. Howell Familiar Letters 20: They scold like so many butter-whores or oyster-women at Billingsgate [F&H].at butter-whore (n.) under butter, n.1
1643 J. Howell Familiar Letters I (1737) 20 Nov. 285: I was committed to the Fleet, where I am now under close restraint: And, as far as I see, I must lie at dead anchor in this Fleet a long time.at anchor, v.