1971 (con. 1920s) G.M. Foster Pops Foster 93: Lulu White herself could handle three men at once — one in every hole. She called that her around the world trip.at around the world, n.
1971 (con. 1910s) G.M. Foster Pops Foster 31: They only sold it in the Italian barrelhouse joints.at barrelhouse, adj.
1971 (con. 1920s) G.M. Foster Pops Foster 56: A good looking chick would come in the place, one of the guys would say ‘Gee, I know she’s got good bread’ [...] It meant she’s got good pussy.at bread, n.2
1971 (con. 1910s) G.M. Foster Pops Foster 112: When we hit a clinker she’d mark it down. Then the Streckfus people would make us do it right. We’d call the clinkers ‘Blue Notes’.at clinker, n.7
1971 (con. 1920s) G.M. Foster Pops Foster 66: The wakes for the dead were the big thing. They also called the wakes ‘Coffee Boats’ or just ‘Boats’.at coffee boat (n.) under coffee, n.
1971 (con. 1920s) G.M. Foster Pops Foster 66: They’d lay the dead man out in the parlor on what was called a ‘coolin’ board’.at cool it, v.
1971 (con. 1920s) G.M. Foster Pops Foster 101: If you cut a hog in a record in those days, you had to stop and start over on a whole new wax.at cut a hog (v.) under cut, v.2
1971 (con. 1920s) G.M. Foster Pops Foster 43: John Robichaux got most of the dicty jobs.at dicty, adj.
1971 (con. 1900s) G.M. Foster Pops Foster 18: Some bands played [...] the dance halls like the Tuxedo Dance Hall, [...] and the Funky Butt Hall.at funky butt (n.) under funky, adj.3
1971 (con. 1900s) G.M. Foster Pops Foster 2: Uncle Wyatt was what we called a hamfat violin player—he wasn’t so good and he wasn’t so bad.at hamfat, adj.2
1971 (con. 1920s) G.M. Foster Pops Foster 100: Louis never did get nothin’ for it. Clarence was a real horse thief.at horse thief (n.) under horse, n.
1971 (con. 1930s) G.M. Foster Pops Foster 161: Alma is my second wife and the best thing I ever locked up on [...] I locked up on a good wife.at lock up, v.
1971 (con. 1930s) G.M. Foster Pops Foster 144: There were a lot of punks around too, we called them ‘rat gangsters’.at rat, adj.
1971 (con. 1900s) G.M. Foster Pops Foster 20: We thought it meant you could go down there, pick out a chick, and roll around with her.at roll, v.
1971 T. Stoddard Pops Foster Epilogue 175: On October 30, 1969 at about 3.00 p.m. George Murphy ‘Pops’ Foster quit the scene.at quit the scene (v.) under scene, n.
1971 (con. 1910s) G.M. Foster Pops Foster 19: There were tonks like Real Tom Anderson’s at Rampart and Canal.at tonk, n.1