c.1468 ‘Trial of Joseph and Mary’ Coventry Mysteries (1841) 136: A cockoldeis bowe is eche nyght bent. He that shett the bolt is lyke to be schent.at bow, n.1
c.1468 ‘Trial of Joseph and Mary’ Coventry Mysteries (1841) 131: Kytt Cakelere and Colett Crane.at cackler, n.1
c.1468 ‘Trial of Josph and Mary’ Coventry Mysteries (1841) 139: Lyfte up thi feet, sett forthe thi ton, Or be my trewthe thou getyst a clowte!at clout, n.2
c.1468 ‘Josephs Return’ Coventry Mysteries (1841) xii 118: Goddys childe! thou lyist, in fay: God dede nevyr jape so with may.at jape, v.
c.1468 ‘Trial of Joseph and Mary’ Coventry Mysteries (1841) 131: Malkyn Mylkedoke, and fayr Mabyle [...] Kytt Cakelere and Colette Crane, Gylle Fetyse and fayr Jane.at jill, n.1
c.1468 ‘Trial of Joseph and Mary’ Coventry Mysteries (1841) 134: Suche a yonge damesel of bewte bryght, And of schap so comely also, Of hire tayle oftetyme be lyght.at light, adj.
c.1468 ‘Trial of Josph and Mary’ Coventry Mysteries (1841) 131: Malkyn Mylkedoke, and fayr Mabyle [...] Gylle Fetyse and fayr Jane.at malkin, n.
c.1468 ‘Trial of Josph and Mary’ Coventry Mysteries (1841) 139: The olde charle had ryght gret corage.at right, adv.
c.1468 ‘Trial of Joseph and Mary’ Coventry Mysteries (1841) 136: A cockoldeis bowe is eche nyght bent. He that shett the bolt is lyke to be schent.at shoot one’s bolt (v.) under shoot, v.
c.1468 ‘Trial of Joseph and Mary’ Coventry Mysteries (1841) 134: Suche a yonge damesel of bewte bryght, And of schap so comely also, Of hire tayle oftetyme be lyght.at tail, n.
c.1468 ‘Trial of Joseph and Mary’ Coventry Mysteries (1841) 134: That olde cokolde was evyl begyled, To that fresche wenche whan he was wedde; Now muse he fadeyrn anothyr mannys chylde.at wench, n.