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Coventry Mysteries choose

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[UK] ‘Trial of Joseph and Mary’ Coventry Mysteries (1841) 136: A cockoldeis bowe is eche nyght bent. He that shett the bolt is lyke to be schent.
at bow, n.1
[UK] ‘Trial of Joseph and Mary’ Coventry Mysteries (1841) 131: Kytt Cakelere and Colett Crane.
at cackler, n.1
[UK] ‘Trial of Josph and Mary’ Coventry Mysteries (1841) 139: Lyfte up thi feet, sett forthe thi ton, Or be my trewthe thou getyst a clowte!
at clout, n.2
[UK] ‘Josephs Return’ Coventry Mysteries (1841) xii 118: Goddys childe! thou lyist, in fay: God dede nevyr jape so with may.
at jape, v.
[UK] ‘Trial of Joseph and Mary’ Coventry Mysteries (1841) 131: Malkyn Mylkedoke, and fayr Mabyle [...] Kytt Cakelere and Colette Crane, Gylle Fetyse and fayr Jane.
at jill, n.1
[UK] ‘Trial of Joseph and Mary’ Coventry Mysteries (1841) 134: Suche a yonge damesel of bewte bryght, And of schap so comely also, Of hire tayle oftetyme be lyght.
at light, adj.
[UK] ‘Trial of Josph and Mary’ Coventry Mysteries (1841) 131: Malkyn Mylkedoke, and fayr Mabyle [...] Gylle Fetyse and fayr Jane.
at malkin, n.
[UK] ‘Trial of Josph and Mary’ Coventry Mysteries (1841) 139: The olde charle had ryght gret corage.
at right, adv.
[UK] ‘Trial of Joseph and Mary’ Coventry Mysteries (1841) 136: A cockoldeis bowe is eche nyght bent. He that shett the bolt is lyke to be schent.
at shoot one’s bolt (v.) under shoot, v.
[UK] ‘Trial of Joseph and Mary’ Coventry Mysteries (1841) 134: Suche a yonge damesel of bewte bryght, And of schap so comely also, Of hire tayle oftetyme be lyght.
at tail, n.
[UK] ‘Trial of Joseph and Mary’ Coventry Mysteries (1841) 134: That olde cokolde was evyl begyled, To that fresche wenche whan he was wedde; Now muse he fadeyrn anothyr mannys chylde.
at wench, n.
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