1594 R. Barnfield Hellen’s Rape 3: In such a Ladies lappe, at such a slipperie by-blow, / That in a world so wide could not be found such a wilie Lad.at by-blow, n.
1594 R. Barnfield Hellen’s Rape 3: Well to their worke they goe, and both they iumble in one Bed.at jumble, v.
1594 R. Barnfield Hellen’s Rape 2: Young Lad, but yet such an old Lad, / In such a Ladies lappe, at such a slipperie by-blow [...] Old lad, and bold lad, such a Boy, such a lustie Iuuentus.at lap, n.1
1594 R. Barnfield Hellen’s Rape 3: Helen, a light Huswife, now a light some starre in Olympus.at light housewife (n.) under light, adj.
1594 R. Barnfield Hellen’s Rape 2: Thus he spake to intice the minde of a lecherous young-man: / But what spurres need now, for an untam’d Titt to be trotting.at tit, n.1