at ...a clam under happy as..., adj.
at fizzle (out), v.
at not worth a shit, phr.
at shove it up your arse!, excl.
at see the elephant (v.) under elephant, n.
at from hell to breakfast under hell, n.
at jassack, n.
at louse, n.
at lowlife, adj.
at monkey, n.
at secesh, n.
at shit, the, phr.
at shithouse, adj.
at hunky-dory, adj.
at go the whole hog (v.) under whole hog, n.
at horizontal refreshment (n.) under horizontal, adj.
at poorer than skim piss (adj.) under poor, adj.
at quick step (n.) under quick, adj.
at ride, v.
at between a shit and a sweat under shit, n.
at strapped (for cash), adj.
at fucking, n.
at open one’s head (v.) under head, n.
at lam, v.1
at like sixty, adv.
at sporting, adj.
at straight, adj.1
at gunboat, n.1
at here’s your mule under mule, n.
at nymph of the pavé, n.
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