Green’s Dictionary of Slang

straight adj.1

1. esp. of language, unadorned, undiluted, expressed in a straightforward manner, honest.

[US]T. Haliburton Clockmaker III 37: There’s no nonsense about her: she is as straight as a shingle in her talk, right up and down.
[US]‘Ned Buntline’ Mysteries and Miseries of N.Y. III 10: It’s a bad business, Lize, but you do seem to tell a straight story!
[US](con. c.1840) ‘Mark Twain’ Huckleberry Finn (2001) 121: Come, now, tell a straight story.
[UK]Sporting Times 1 Feb. 1/4: Straight business, m’ fren’.
[UK]Boy’s Own Paper 18 May 516: I want, sir, a straight answer.
[Can]R. Service ‘The Shooting of Dan McGrew’ in Songs of a Sourdough 34: But I want to state, and my words are straight, and I’ll bet my poke they’re true.
[UK]Gem 28 Oct. 13: Was that a straight yarn you told us this morning?
[UK]‘Sapper’ Third Round 735: ‘Any idea what caused the explosion?’ ‘I ‘aven’t, governor — that’s strite.’.
[UK]Wodehouse Carry on, Jeeves 96: He had certainly told New York some pretty straight things about itself, having apparently taken a dislike to the place.
[UK]‘Josephine Tey’ Miss Pym Disposes 163: Lucy looked to see if he was being ironic. But no; the remark was ‘straight’.
[US]R. Prather Always Leave ’Em Dying 11: For a couple of seconds I felt like giving this gal a straight answer.
[WI]V.S. Naipaul A House For Mr Biswas 173: Just let me get this straight. Mugroo owe me money.
[UK]P. Theroux Family Arsenal 96: I’ve been straight with you.
[UK]J. Sullivan ‘A Losing Streak’ Only Fools and Horses [TV script] Come on Grandad, just give me a straight yes or no!
[UK]F. Taylor Auf Wiedersehen Pet Two 182: If you want me to keep helping you out, Dennis, you’ll have to be straight with me.
[US](con. early 1950s) J. Ellroy L.A. Confidential 57: He fell asleep getting his stories straight.
[UK]J. Cameron Vinnie Got Blown Away 67: Be straight with you though he was up after a freeman’s fucking soft idiot.
[UK]J.J. Connolly Layer Cake 18: My card had been marked, I could be completely straight with him.

2. of an individual, in pocket (esp. after a spell of poverty), recompensed.

(con. 1836) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined XXXI 369: In assumpsit on a promissory note bearing interest, proof that defendant, being sent to by plaintiff for money, paid 1l., and said, ‘this puts us straight for last year’s interest’.
[US]F. Packard White Moll 216: That puts us straight, you and me, don’t it, Bertha?
[US]Mezzrow & Wolfe Really the Blues 163: We’ll know we always did our best, and we’ll be straight with ourselves.
[US]T. Southern ‘The Night the Bird Blew for Doctor Warner’ in Southern (1973) 55: Level with me ’cause I’m straight for loot, dig.
[UK]C. MacInnes Mr Love and Justice (1964) 43: ‘You want me call the law?’ the Bengali landlord echoed. ‘No, no -No, no – I’ll see you straight: a fiver!’.
[US]P. Thomas Down These Mean Streets (1970) 98: Soon as I was straight, I’d lay her ten bolos back on her.
R. Charles Brother Ray 191: By 1961 I knew my money was straight.
[UK]K. Sampson Powder 52: Once I’m straight we split everything fifty-fifty.
[UK]K. Sampson Outlaws (ms.) 176: We’re straight now, me and Ged. We’re equals.
E. Anderson Place on the Corner 85: ‘Eli, lemme hold somethin’. I’ll see you straight when my check comes’ (meaning lend me some money and I’ll repay you when I get it).

3. (also straight-A) respectable; trustworthy .

[US]T. Haliburton Clockmaker II 223: Yes, we are as straight as a shingle in our dealins, and do things above board handsum.
[US]‘Timothy Titcomb’ Letters to Young People 141: ‘Own up,’ now, and ‘do the straight thing,’ and I’ll ‘set you down’ as ‘one of the women we read of’.
[UK]H. Smart Post to Finish I 109: I’m pretty straight, but you can’t expect me to take off my hat and say ‘After you, sir’.
[US]Chicago Trib. 25 May 13/4: The margin in favor of the bank in [a] ‘straight’ faro game is said to be 35 per cent.
[UK]A. Morrison Child of the Jago (1982) 50: I was alwis kep’ respectable an’ straight all my life.
[Aus]H. Lawson ‘Andy Page’s Rival’ in Roderick (1972) 359: Andy was uncomfortably ‘straight’.
J. Conrad ‘The Heart of Darkness’ in Blackwood’s Mag. Feb. 216/2: You know I hate, detest, and can’t bear a lie, not because I am straighter than the rest of us, but simply because it appals me.
[Aus]E. Dyson Fact’ry ’Ands 215: You’re the straightest man here, and the only one I’d let into this with me.
[UK]C. Holme Lonely Plough (1931) 98: She’s absolutely straight – couldn’t cheat if she tried.
C. Drew — The Wowser’ in Sydney Sportsman (Surry Hills, NSW) 11 Mar. 2/4: [S]inging hymns to try ‘to keep us straight’.
[UK]S. Scott Human Side of Crook and Convict Life 252: The trio [...] determined that on the first occasion the ‘bird to pluck’ turned up the game should be straight.
[UK]G. Kersh Night and the City 78: I met ever such a nice feller. What I liked about him was, he was straight.
[US]J. Jones From Here to Eternity (1998) 157: I told em no, you was a straight joe when they all said you was yellow. Looks like I was wrong.
[US]P. Crump Burn, Killer, Burn! 312: That Dipper is one straight ofay.
[US]J. Roe The Same Old Grind 66: I’m getting a straight job [...] Typing, shorthand’.
[UK]Sun. Times Mag. 12 Oct. 25: I never once had a straight job that I enjoyed – not once.
[US]C. Hiaasen Skin Tight 190: Nobody played a straight game any more.
[US]T. Piccirilli Last Kind Words 81: [S]he felt more comfortable with him than some straight-A joe working at the Walmart.
[Scot]A. Parks Bobby March Will Live Forever 107: ‘Got a record?’ asked McCoy. Wattie shook his head. ‘Straight. Labouring jobs mostly’.

4. a synon. for SE right.

[UK]A. Mayhew Paved with Gold 123: If I have gone wrong, you and Bertie is the only ones as could put me straight again.
[UK]H. Smart Long Odds III 187: He had done what [...] was termed ‘the straight thing,’ and [...] man is usually well satisfied with himself when that is the case.
[UK]Magnet 29 Feb. 15: If you’re going to do the straight thing, as I thought you were.
[UK]P. Marks Plastic Age 201: You might as well get me straight right now: I’m going to run with whoever I want.
[Aus]K.S. Prichard Coonardoo 264: I sort of feel we’re straight for each other, like the blacks say.
[US]H. Simmons Corner Boy 44: You stick with me, kid, I’ll see you straight.
[US]E. De Roo Go, Man, Go! 75: Something’s got to be straight, Beano. Bernice is chicken to tell you. We’re for each other.
[UK]T. Blacker Kill Your Darlings 45: Let me get this straight. Are you seriously asking me what Martin Amis was like in bed?

5. of a situation, honest, satisfactory, as one desires, ‘sorted’.

[UK]Leaves from Diary of Celebrated Burglar 111/2: So to make things straight [...] he ‘stalled’ his ‘mug’ for a few minutes and reappeared with a full bottle of wine.
[US]‘A.P.’ [Arthur Pember] Mysteries and Miseries 19: ‘Well, now, sir, maybe I sell a man a drink of bad whisky, but, then, he knows that when he buys it; so that’s fair and straight’.
[UK]Referee 17 Apr. n.p.: But going to first principles, nothing can be straighter or more likely to work to an employer’s interest than for his jockey to back his own mount [F&H].
W.R. Burnett Giant Swing 74: ‘She [i.e. a waitress]got mixed up with her checks and the boss is getting her straight’.
[US]L. Durst Jives of Dr. Hepcat (1989) 2: The mellow little old frames are showcasing their ‘frantic threads,’ and the cool kitties are riffing in their ‘mad fronts’ and daddy you better believe everything is much straight.
[UK]C. MacInnes Mr Love and Justice (1964) 45: Let’s get a few things straight.
[US]D. Claerbaut Black Jargon in White America 81: straight adj. 1. permissible; acceptable.
[UK]Observer 18 July 25: It’s extremely clear and simple. I’d like to get it straight.
[US]B. Coleman Check the Technique 117: ‘They were like: “the album has sold what it's going to sell and we're straight”’ .
[US]C. Eble (ed.) UNC-CH Campus Sl. Spring 2014 14: STRAIGHT — state of being okay with another: X: ‘Sorry, bro.’ Y: ‘It’s cool, man. We straight’ .
[US]P. Beatty Sellout (2016) 128: Asking Hominy what he wanted for his birthday this year. [...] ‘I don’t know. Just get me some racism and I’ll be straight’.

6. of a woman, chaste, respectable.

[US]letter q. in Wiley Life of Billy Yank (1952) 259: There are so many hore houses in town which must have a Sentinel at each door for to keep them Straight.
[UK] ‘Blooming Aesthetic’ in Rag 30 Sept. n.p.: A tallow-faced-straight young girl, / A never-out-late young girl.
[UK]Kipling ‘The Solid Muldoon’ in Soldiers Three (1907) 48: A wife [...] the straightest in the contonmints.
[US]S. Lewis Job 323: When Mr. Sidney once tried to hold her hand [. . .] she said, sharply, ‘Don’t try that—let’s save a lot of time by understanding that I’m what you would call “straight”’ .
[UK]P. Marks Plastic Age 156: Some fellows say it ’s all right to have a woman, and some fellows say it ’s all wrong, but I notice none of them have any use for a woman who is n’t straight.
[UK]J. Curtis You’re in the Racket, Too 80: It was a shame that she was a straight girl, because then there would have been no need for him to go trailing all the way up to the West End.

7. law-abiding, honest; spec. of a reformed criminal.

[UK]Five Years’ Penal Servitude 242: He vowed, however, that this time he would go to America [...] and try to be satisfied with ‘straight’ work.
T.B. Reed Willoughby Captains (1887) 222: ‘How have you been getting on the last week?’ he asked, gravely. ‘Have you been able to keep pretty straight?’.
[US]‘Old Sleuth’ Dock Rats of N.Y. (2006) 112: ‘See here, Johnny, you’re on some crooked game.’ ‘My game is straight enough.’.
[Aus]Truth (Perth) 14 Jan. 8/8: I’m alludin’ to straight houses / [...] / Where the business it are proper— / Not no low down slenter show.
[US]G.R. Chester Five Thousand an Hour Ch. vi: I don’t believe there’s a man in New York with a straighter and cleaner record than Gamble’s.
[UK]A. Brazil Fourth Form Friendship 111: ‘Be a little straighter in future, if you want to keep chums with me’.
[UK]N. Lucas Autobiog. of a Thief 47: I remembered that I wasn’t ‘straight’ any more.
[UK]J. Cary Horse’s Mouth (1948) 175: Suppose the Professor is straight and his friends are really the sort of people who would give me money, real money for a picture.
[UK]P. Hoskins No Hiding Place! 191/2: Pair of Straight Daisies. Civilian boots. (Daisy Roots).
[US]C. Himes Crazy Kill 88: We’re looking for a boy [...] called Iron jaw. His straight monicker is Ibsen.
[US]C. Cooper Jr Scene (1996) 79: I can’t understand it [...] He could quit right now and be straight for the rest of his life.
[US]C. Brown Manchild in the Promised Land (1969) 193: They were all straight. They weren’t into any crime or stuff.
[UK]P. Fordham Inside the Und. 106: A straight copper generally becomes news only when he is the victim of a shooting.
[UK]T. Lewis GBH 72: [T]his was the area at which the Law’s hatred was directed, and not only the straight law.
[Aus]B. Ellem Doing Time 198: straight: honest and reliable. To ‘go straight’ means to reform and not participate in criminal activities.
[UK] in D. Campbell That Was Business, This Is Personal 35: If you want a niceish job where you’re mixing with ‘straight’ people they’ve got to be told about your family.
[Aus]P. Temple Bad Debts (2012) [ebook] Wife can’t believe it. Kid, job. Says he’s been absolutely straight.
[UK]Guardian G2 14 Oct. 3: He went straight for seven years, but slipped up in 1997 and got four months for theft.
[UK]Indep. 19 Feb. 8: Yes, I am straight and all the others bent!
[NZ]D. Looser Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 179/1: straight adj. 1 true, honest 2 innocent, naive, virtuous.
[Scot]A. Parks Bloody January 269: ‘He’s as straight as they come’.
[US]D. Winslow ‘Broken’ in Broken 42: Harold is the straightest, the most likely to want out [i.e. of law-breaking].

8. of information etc., trustworthy, undisputable.

[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 8 Jan. 5/1: Mr. Hilly […] is the centre of half a score of boys, though whether he is imparting instruction or receiving various straight griffins, is impossible to be determined.
[Aus]N. Gould Double Event 22: He’s got the straight griff for something.
[US]J. London ‘Odyssey of the North’ Complete Short Stories (1993) I 239: ‘It’s only a “hunch,” Kid,’ he said; ‘but I think it’s straight.’.
[Aus]E. Dyson Spats’ Fact’ry (1922) 38: I don’t mind givin’ yeh ther real straight grif aerbout bad men.
[US]F. Packard White Moll xi: Is dat straight wot de papers said about youse-know-who gettin’ pinched?
[US]‘Digg Mee’ ‘Observation Post’ in N.Y. Age 12 Apr. 9/6: If the jive I get is strate, Herman Brown [...] has a mitey fine date.
J. Brophy Julian’s Way 376: It’s not the standard story for sorrowing relatives. I’m giving you the straight griff.
[UK]R. Fabian London After Dark 99: I got the straight info on a screwing job. Might be worth a nice bit, eh?
[US]E. Torres After Hours 69: ‘I’ll find them for you. That is straight business from Tony Tee’.
[UK]T. Wilkinson Down and Out 130: If what you’re saying is really on the line and straight, then there’s no reason why they can’t review your case.
[Scot]A. Parks Bloody January 8: ‘He fit him up?’ He shook his head. ‘Nope, whole thing was straight for once. Nairn was as guilty as they come’.

9. of a wager, definite.

[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 2 May 10/2: Six previous convictions were recorded against him, and things looked straight at three weeks or a fiver, especially as he did not trot out the ague idea; but he mentioned in a casual sort of way that he was a prominent member of the Salvation Army, and the Bench passed the case on for seven days to allow the prisoner to leave Collingwood.

10. in criminal terms, trustworthy.

[UK]C. Rook Hooligan Nights 105: I knew she was straight, ’cause she was workin’ wiv a pal of mine.
[US]Flynt & Walton Powers That Prey 102: That bloke Minick straight? [...] Can he keep his clapper quiet?
[UK]Marvel 15 Oct. 25: I know you’re straight enough, and won’t let me into a hole.
[US]W.R. Burnett Little Caesar 116: As long as he’s straight with me, I ain’t got no interest in him at all.
[UK]V. Davis Gentlemen of the Broad Arrows 137: The ruling section of the prison, comprised of convicts whom the lags acknowledge as ‘straight men’.
[US]Mezzrow & Wolfe Really the Blues 22: Baby, don’t you want a straight girl for a change?
[UK]‘Charles Raven’ Und. Nights 39: Morry [...] if you were a straight man you would not waste my time like this.
[US] ‘Do Your Crying for the Living’ in D. Wepman et al. Life (1976) 165: The scratch is right and the set-up looks straight.

11. (Aus.) sober.

[Aus]Sydney Sportsman (Surry Hills, NSW) 13 July 3/4: He. talks like that when squiffy or straight.

12. heterosexual.

[US] Transcript Foster Inquiry in L.R. Murphy Perverts by Official Order (1989) 54: ‘Are you the only straight one in this crowd?’ ‘I am not,’ replied the sailor, ‘saying that I am straight.’ [...] ‘As they say in sets I have known,’ he confessed, ‘it is a dash of lavender.’.
[US]‘Swasarnt Nerf’ et al. Gay Girl’s Guide 10: go down on: A quasi-straight term for do, ‘blow’, etc. [...] Others [i.e. bars] are here today and straight tomorrow.
[US]W. Burroughs Naked Lunch (1968) 147: I’m fucking this citizen so I think, ‘A straight John at last’.
[US]H. Selby Jr Last Exit to Brooklyn 42: I’ll never forget that atrocious scene he pulled on us. All those straight creeps are like that.
[UK]T. Lewis Plender [ebook] I‘ think he’s relatively straight’.
[US]L. Kramer Faggots 286: While 73% of The Pines is straight-owned, 99% is faggot-occupied.
[Aus]B. Ellem Doing Time 128: But put men in an all male society, the straightest of guys can easily change.
[US]H. Max Gay (S)language.
[Aus](con. 1964-65) B. Thorpe Sex and Thugs and Rock ’n’ Roll 223: There’s not a straight man alive who wouldn’t swap ten years of his life for one month of the experience.
[UK]N. Cohn Yes We have No 151: Young and old, bent and straight.
[US]J. McCourt ‘Vilja de Tanquay Exults’ in Queer Street 300: By and large, now, they’ve turned bleedin’ sensitive – / And I’m talking about the straight ones, darling.
[US]G. Pelecanos Way Home (2009) 80: [Homosexuality] was not an issue of derision among the boys who were straight.
[UK]Daily Mail 30 Jan. 🌐 ‘She’s the first girl I have been with.’ Gay toyboy insists [she] turned him straight.
‘Chelsea G. Summers’ in Adult 10 Feb. 🌐 A metaphor, ‘straight’ is also a remarkably apt term for heterosexuals, and I say this as woman who loves dick.
[Aus]N. Cummins Tales of the Honey Badger [ebook] ...about as straight as a Mardi Gras.
Wickstead Soho Typescripts: 15: [in categories of pornography] Straight was not opposed to gay. Instead ‘Str.’ signified heterosexual sex without sadomasochism (today termed ‘vanilla’).
[US]J. Ellroy Widespread Panic 67: Grace Kelly [...] turned Johnnie Ray straight .

13. aware, understanding, comprehending.

[US](con. 1920s) J.T. Farrell Young Manhood in Studs Lonigan (1936) 218: Get that straight, and don’t forget it!
[US]C. Himes ‘Let Me at the Enemy’ in Coll. Stories (1990) 38: I had to get them people straight an’ get ’em straightened fast.
[US]‘Lord Buckley’ Hiparama of the Classics 10: Gonna get you straight! If they can’t get you straight, they know a Cat, that knows a Cat, that’ll Straighten you!
[US]P. Thomas Down These Mean Streets (1970) 51: We stopped short and waited cool-like for little Crip to set us straight on what was happening.
Young Jeezy ‘Enough’ 🎵 I’m on deck, on point, I’m straight, I’m cool.
[US]Mother Jones July/Aug. 🌐 You ’bout to do half my time with me. You straight with that?

14. in the sex industry, involving normal heterosexual intercourse, with no ‘perversions’, e.g. flagellation or bestiality.

[US]‘Boxcar Bertha’ Sister of the Road (1975) 178: Nowadays few men want it straight. They want it half and half.
[UK]F. Norman Norman’s London 209: I gather that these days there is little call for what is known as ‘straight gear’.
[UK]F. Norman Dead Butler Caper 38: How do you want it – straight or French?
[US]J. Ellroy Because the Night 132: I know he wants something other than straight fucking.
[UK]C. Dexter Remorseful Day (2000) 366: She with a succession of straight or kinky but always besotted bedmates.
[UK]J.J. Connolly Layer Cake 25: Your British are very straight really in what they want.

15. (UK Und.) susceptible to bribery or corruption, thus, from a criminal point of view sense 10.

[UK]B. Hill Boss of Britain’s Underworld 38: Some screws could always be straightened. If you knew your way around [i.e. prison] you got a straight screw and he smuggled your snout in for you.

16. safe, beyond suspicion.

[UK](con. 1920s) J. Sparks Burglar to the Nobility 37: We got into the straight car which we had stashed three streets away.
[US]G. Pelecanos Way Home (2009) 28: ‘Are they going to get you, Chris?’ [...] ‘Nah, I’m straight [...] Long as they didn’t read my plates, I’ll be fine’.

17. conventional, as opposed to the values of the ‘counterculture’.

[US]T. Wolfe Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test (1969) 356: Anybody want a straight job?
[US]Rolling Stone 22 Sept. 14: He’d been really a sorta straight, sportsman type.
[UK]T. Blacker Fixx 131: He was a high-flyer in the straight establishment.
[UK]G. Burn Happy Like Murderers 75: Symbols of everything everybody was apparently rebelling against. Straight life.
[UK]J.J. Connolly Layer Cake 12: Very straight, square birds were downing Es at a rate of knots and getting chopped, fucked in khazis.
[Aus]L. Redhead Rubdown [ebook] ‘You grew up with hippies?’ [...] ‘The only way I could rebel was to do something really straight’.
[Scot]A. Parks Bobby March Will Live Forever 242: ‘He’s the straightest guy you’ve ever seen. I mean totally straight’.
[US]T. Swerdlow Straight Dope [ebook] [A] very straight-looking white dude is walking right at me, and I mean so straight that he’s hip.

18. (US campus) likeable.

[US]Eble Campus Sl. Mar. 7: straight – likeable, acceptable: ‘Have you seen Eddie’s new girlfriend. She’s straight.’.

19. successful.

[US]Eminem ‘Under the Influence’ 🎵 I was straight until I got caught sellin’ em shaped.

In derivatives

straightnik (n.)

(US) a conventional (poss. conservative) individual.

[US]Jrnl Herald (Dayton, OH) 11 Dec. 8/5: [The] Director of Research [...] greeted a dozen long-hairs, straightniks, and reporters.
[US]Tampa Bay Times (St Petersburg, FL) sect. 1 16 Mar. 1/3: That show is worth seeing by rock fans and curious straightniks alike.

In compounds

straight crip (n.)

see under crip n.

straight dinkum (n.) [dinkum n. (2)]

(Aus./N.Z.) the truth; thus attrib.

[NZ]N.Z. Truth 4 Aug. 4/7: Then I told him the straight dincum.
[UK]Tatler (London) 7 Mar. 6/2: We’re looking at you to give us the straight dinkum tip.
straight dope (n.)

1. the honest truth, undisputed facts or full information.

[US]S.F. Call 6 Aug. 24/3: Is there any difference between ‘dope’ and ‘straight dope’ and ‘good dope’?
[US]Dly Arizona Silver Belt (Globe, AZ) 24 Dec. 5/2: Aw quit yer kiddin’ an’ gimme the straight dope.
[US]Day Book (Chicago) 18 Mar. 13/1: Ain’t I given you the dope straight?
[US]Perrysburg Jrnl (OH) 22 May 2/1: ‘Straight dope?’ he demanded sternly. ‘No phoney gag, but the real thing?’.
[US]W.R. Burnett Little Caesar 118: ‘Them books is crooked.’ ‘Straight dope?’ asked Rico, his face hardening.
[UK]L. Duncan Over the Wall 326: I’m giving you the straight dope.
[US]C.B. Davis Rebellion of Leo McGuire (1953) 55: That’s the straight dope, Mr. McGuire.
[US]J. Thompson Savage Night (1991) 64: Had The Man given me the straight dope?
[US](con. 1920s) J. Thompson South of Heaven (1994) 195: You just give us the straight dope.
[US]T. O’Brien Going After Cacciato (1980) 131: It’s the straight dope. We been kidnapped.

2. used as adv. completely, utterly.

[US] July 🌐 A particularly egregious police shooting [...] One that should never have happened, one where we straight-dope fucked up.
straight fire (n.)

(teen) something currently fashionable. 10 Mar. 🌐 Straight Fire - Hot or trendy.
straight goer (n.)

see under goer n.

straight going (n.) [? straight goer under goer n.]

honest behaviour.

[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 7 Feb. 7/1: Of late years, however, he turned the game up completely; in fact, he stoutly opposed the sport in his own native district, not because he loved the turf less, but because he loved straight going more.
[UK]H. Smart Long Odds III 217: Their [i.e. ‘this British public’]appreciation of pluck — of what I must term ‘straight going,’ is extraordinary.
straight goods (n.) (also straight stuff)(US)

1. the absolute truth.

[US]C.F. Lummis letter 23 Oct. in Byrkit Letters from the Southwest (1989) 43: I experimented a little to see if this story was ‘straight goods’.
[US]W. Norr Stories of Chinatown 7: ‘What’s that yer givin’ us?’ sarcastically inquired Jerry Barnett [...] ‘Straight goods,’ answered Lloyd.
[US]C.L. Cullen More Ex-Tank Tales 81: I told him the straight goods as to how I happened to be reclining by the roadside.
[US]O. Johnson Varmint 321: ‘Honest?’ ‘Straight goods!’.
[UK]Wodehouse ‘Leave It to Jeeves’ in My Man Jeeves [ebook] ‘But it’s [i.e. a racehorse] the straight goods. I’m going to put my shirt on him’.
[US]P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 88: It’s all straight goods, too. I ain’t follered Slim fur months [...] fur nothin’.
[US]Colton & Randolph Rain II 155: Tell him I can get work in Sydney—straight stuff.
[UK]E. Glyn Flirt and Flapper 79: Flirt: What is the object of gaining riches if your children cannot benefit by it? Flapper: That’s straight goods.
[US]R. Chandler ‘Blackmailers Don’t Shoot’ in Red Wind (1946) 100: ‘I don’t have them,’ he insisted. ‘Straight goods. I never saw them.’.
[US]J.T. Farrell ‘Wedding Bells Will Ring’ in Short Stories (1937) 204: I always give you the straight stuff.
[US]O. Strange Sudden Takes the Trail 13: Is that the straight goods?
[US]R.L. Bellem ‘Latin Blood’ in Speed Detective Aug. 🌐 So we contacted Lanza and he said yes, that was straight goods; you did make threats.
[US]R. Prather Scrambled Yeggs 73: ‘Straight goods?’ ‘Straight, Scotty. I always give it to you straight, don’t I?’.
[US]‘Hy Lit’ Hy Lit’s Unbelievable Dict. of Hip Words 52: straight goods – The real nitty gritty.
[US]R. Campbell In La-La Land We Trust (1999) 130: I swear this flick’s the straight goods.
[US]J. Lansdale Leather Maiden 37: He hadn’t added information on flying saucers and lake monsters. It was just the straight goods on Caroline.

2. attrib. use of sense 1.

[US]C. M’Govern Sarjint Larry an’ Frinds 25: Yess, sorr, Oi am now de Datto of Bassuk – a reg’lar straight goods Datto, mind you.

3. a person who tells the truth.

Indiana State Sentinel 28 Sept. 4/5: It turns out that these [...] Republican bosses, when analyzed are not the straight goods.
[US]A.H. Lewis Boss 97: He’s th’ straight goods.
[US]C. M’Govern Sarjint Larry an’ Frinds 57: We were beginning to think dat our stranger friend was straight goods indade.
[US]‘O. Henry’ ‘Past One at Rooney’s’ in Strictly Business (1915) 266: When a fellow has a girl – a steady girl – she’s got to be all right, you know. She’s got to be straight goods.

4. undiluted spirits.

[US]Ade ‘The Fable of Successful Tobias’ in True Bills 26: It was customary to mix Tea, Coffee, Sherbet, Lemonade, Egg-Nog, Artillery Punch, Fizzerine, and Straight Goods until [...] the last Caller was Sozzled.

5. a competent individual.

[US]St Louis Republican (MO) 30 Aug. 52/7: If [...] he’s got the straight goods in him, you’ll have an easy time of it.
[NZ]Ohinemuri Gaz. (N.Z.) 22 Nov. 1/4: He anticipates a real good thing for the Yanks and a correspondingly bad one for ‘Jerry’. The latter is assuredly up against the ‘straight goods’.
straight oil (n.)

see under oil n.

straight pitching (n.)

see under pitch v.

straight ten (n.)

(N.Z. prison) a life sentence (10 years).

[NZ]D. Looser Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 179/1: straight ten n. a life sentence.
straight ’un (n.)

(UK und.) an unavoidable arrest, the villain is caught red-handed.

[UK]Thieves Slang ms list from District Police Training Centre, Ryton-on-Dunsmore, Warwicks 11: Straight un: Caught in the act.

In phrases

on the straight

of an individual, behaving respectably and honestly; of an object or place, e.g. a casino, respectable, devoid of cheating .

Landmark (White River Jnct, VT) 14 Dec. 6/2: Needless to say, play was not always 'on the ‘straight’.
[UK]Marvel 12 Nov. 6: I want Spider to keep on the straight, I do.
[Aus]C.J. Dennis ‘The Play’ in Bulletin (Sydney) 16 July 47/1: But when ’e’s got ’er, spliced an’ on the straight, / ’e crools the pitch, an’ tries to kid it’s Fate.
run straight (v.)

(UK Und.) to lead a respctable and/or law-abiding life.

[UK]E. Pugh Spoilers 65: I ain’t so sure as I shan’t run straight in future.
[US]J.M. Armstrong Legion of Hell 51: ‘And how about your private life, my lad? Been running quite straight, I hope?’ ‘Why, of course, sir!’ ‘Humph! Not drinking? [...] No women? No entanglements, or anything of that sort, I hope!’ ‘No, sir, of course not!’.
straight and narrow (n.) [Matt. 7:14: ‘Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.’ Note the mid-19C hymn: ‘Loving Shepherd, ever near, / Teach Thy lamb Thy voice to hear; / Suffer not my steps to stray / From the straight and narrow way’]

conventionally moral and law-abiding behaviour; thus keep on the straight and narrow v., to maintain a regular, law-abiding life; also attrib.

[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 12 Dec. 39/4: She had a bright eye, a spring bloom, and within two weeks of her return to the straight and narrow way Sam heard her trilling samples of comic opera in her room.
[US]‘Dean Stiff’ Milk and Honey Route 215: Straight and narrow – The way to eternal life and salvation.
[UK]‘Charles Raven’ Und. Nights 31: Perhaps that was what sent him off the straight and narrow.
[US]J. Mills Panic in Needle Park (1971) 54: I used to walk the straight and narrow line. I got a job, and kept good hours.
[UK]T. Blacker Fixx 81: I left them there, trudging along the straight and narrow.
[UK]A. Close Official and Doubtful 326: You mean am I a reformed character? Back on the straight and narrow.
straight as a die

unassailably honest, impeccably respectable.

[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 1 Sept. 24/1: [P]resent-day referees don’t know the rules, and the one who acted on this occasion, though as straight as a die, had had no experience.
[UK]Boy’s Own Paper 8 June 562: They’re straight as a die and game as a grizzly.
[UK]G. Kersh Fowlers End (2001) 33: Treat Sam Yudenow straight an’ ’e’s a die.
[UK]P. Larkin ‘Sympathy in White Major’ in High Windows 11: Straight as a die, one of the best.
straight edge (adj.)

(US) wholly conservative, conventional.

[US]T. Robinson Hard Bounce [ebook] ‘Tammy’s straight edge’.
you straight?

(US campus) a greeting, ‘how are you?’.

[US]Eble Campus Sl. Nov. 14: You straight – Is everything OK?

In exclamations

SE in slang uses

In compounds

straight ahead

see separate entries.

straight arrow

see separate entries.

straight man (n.)

(US teen) an intimate, a best friend, irrespective of gender.

[US]Baltimore Sun (MD) Sun. Mag. 4 Dec. 9/1: ‘Am I out to lunch?’ she asked a straight man. ‘Am I all filter? How did I get into this Vancouver bit?’.
straight neck (n.)

(US) a conventional, disapproving person.

[US](con. 1960s) R. Price Wanderers 159: Just to show he wasn’t a straight-neck, Sharp wrote ‘Colored – 15’ and under that ‘Eskimo – 1’.
straight off (adv.)


[UK]G. Greene Brighton Rock (1943) 49: You tell me if anyone asks questions [...] Get me on the blower at Billy’s straight off.
[UK]P. Willmott Adolescent Boys of East London (1969) 117: If I have to do it straight off, then I do get bored with it.
[UK]J. Cameron It Was An Accident 52: Screws all clocked me straight off.
[UK]N. Barlay Hooky Gear 38: Then finally sayin it an then course them not gettin it straight off. An then me wonderin about explainin it again.
straight out

see separate entries.

straight peg (n.)

a law-abiding person; also attrib.

[UK]N. Griffiths Grits 463: It’s the only way ter sort out the world’s problems, innit? Make every politician, every banker, every fuckin straight-peg drop a Dove an go to a rave.
[Scot](con. 1980s) I. Welsh Skagboys 27: He’s a moaning-faced straightpeg, the kind ay small businessman Thatcher loves.
[Scot](con. 1980s) I. Welsh Skagboys 400: Ali, whae’s seein this straightpeg aulder dude, never answered her phone.
L. Huey Invisible Victims 119: If he is a straight peg he is entitled to call the police. If he is a straight peg, chances are 99 per cent of the time that he has worked most of his life paying taxes.
[Scot]I. Welsh Dead Man’s Trousers 73: Those entitled straight-peg millenial cunts.
straight shit (n.) [sense 1]

the truth.

[US]G.V. Higgins Cogan’s Trade (1975) 6: That the straight shit, Squirrel? You tryin’, do me a favour?
[US]E. Bunker Mr Blue 373: Yeah, I tell a good lie from time to time, ese, but this is straight shit, carnal.
‘Endy’ In My Hood 3 177: I’m saying them cats will roll over on you, Nate, and that’s some straight shit.
straight shooter (n.)

see separate entries.

straight time (n.)

a prison sentence.

[US]G. Pelecanos Drama City 191: It’s harder in some way to do your straight time than it is to jail.
D.W. Brown Fight Your Ticket & Win 103: You will not be allowed work release or community service, but must do ‘straight time’ behind bars.
straight up

see separate entries.

straight walk-in (n.) [i.e. one needs only walk in and introduce oneself]

a woman who is seen as easy to seduce.

[UK]Partridge DSUE (8th edn) 1164/1: [...] since ca. 1925.

In phrases

dry straight (v.) [woodworking imagery, of wood that dries without warping]

to work out in time.

[US]W.J. Locke Derelicts Ch. xxii: I shall miss you terribly—at first—but it will all dry straight, Yvonne.
[UK]Wodehouse Laughing Gas 278: Cheer up, Joseph. Things will dry straight one of these days.
get one’s head (on) straight (v.) (also get one’s head straightened out)

(US) to think clearly; to sort oneself out.

[US]N. Thornburg Cutter and Bone (2001) 21: He [...] had temporarily dropped out in order to ‘get his head on straight’.
[US]C. McFadden Serial 63: I know you’re gonna get your head straight.
R.L. Stine Surprise Party 165: He’s going to get him help [...] to get his head straight. Some friends know a really good shrink in New York. Poor Tony's very mixed up.
K.B. Florey Vigil for a Stranger 64: He needs to think, to get his head straight. My father hates that expression, he hates all Robbie’s trendy slang, and he makes fun of it mercilessly.
[US]J. Wambaugh Glitter Dome (1982) 130: You gotta get your head straightened out.
T. Gowan Hobos, Hustlers & Backsliders 138: The system’s messed him up, you know. He needs to get his head straight, chill for a while.
make a straight coat-tail (v.) [one’s tails are blown out by the wind of one’s progress]

(US) to run, to hurry.

[US]W.A. Caruthers Kentuckian in N.Y. I 195: I’m for making a straight coat-tail out of this place.
[US]G.W. Harris ‘Quarter Racing in Tennessee’ Spirit of the Times (N.Y.) XIII in Inge (1967) 20: He [...] then cut a stick and made a straight coat tail for Little Shinbone.
[US]Daily Phoenix (Columbia, SC) 16 July 2/1: The carpet-baggers will be [...] making straight coat-tails for their homes.
[US]Nat. Tribune (DC) 12 Apr. 8/1: Then, making straight coat-tails for the sutlers by way of the gang-plank, we [etc.].
[US](con. 1899) H.P. Bailey Shanghaied Out of Frisco 105: I jest made a straight coat-tail up the lane to her heart.
straight as a dog’s hind leg (adj.) (also straight as a butcher’s hook, ...a loon’s leg, …as my leg)


[UK]Swift Polite Conversation 38: Strait! ay, straight as my Leg, and that’s crooked at Knee.
[US]Maumee City Exp. (OH) 12 Jan. 1/4: She keeps a roaring and a snoring [...] and a flooring you; unless you mind your P’s and Q’s and stand as fast as screws, And as straight as a dog’s hind leg.
[US]‘Jonathan Slick’ High Life in N.Y. I 257: ‘You don’t say so,’ sez the tall man in whiskers, and he looked as straight as a loon’s leg; ‘what is it – any more jewelry, my pet?’.
[US]T. Haliburton Nature and Human Nature II 12: You don’t steer right on end on a bee line, and go straight as a loon’s leg.
Reynolds’s Newspaper (London) 14 Oct. 2/4: I honour the man who is noble and true [...] straight up and down, like a dog’s hind leg!
[US]Princeton Union (MN) 7 Aug. 8/1: Howard [...] is the boss stacker, he can build one as straight as a dog’s hind leg, so we are informed.
[US]Morn. Astorian (OR) 29 Oct. 2/1: The route is as straight as a dog’s hind leg.
St Mary’s Jnl (KS) 28 Dec. 1/2: The walk is about as straight as a dog’s hind leg.
[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 21 Dec. 12/2: At Coogee for instance, there are streets [...] which, though not so tortuous as Reid’s career, are hardly as straight as a dog’s hind leg.
‘Steele Rudd’ Old Homestead 417: ‘By dam, Titt,’ he said, looking along the furrow and laughing, ‘but ye’re ploughin’ as straight as a dog's hind leg’.
Marshall Messenger (TX) 21 Oct. 4/1: I will vote the straight democratic ticket [...] that is as ‘straight as a dog’s hind leg.
Giggleswade Chron. 31 Jan. 6/7: The toad from biggleswade to Sandy is as straight as a dog’shind leg.
[UK]Max Miller in Took Max Miller Blue Book (1975) n.p.: No, I’m straight, dead straight, honest I am. As a butcher’s hook!
[US]Cincinnati Enquirer (OH) 27 Aug. 6/6: We can row a skif [...] as straight as a dog’s hind leg, at least downstream.
Jrnl & Courier (Lafayette, IN) 9 Apr. 17/1: Morally and ethically [...] it’s about as straight as a dog’s hind leg.
Palm Beach Post (FL) 5 Nov. 16/3: [M]ajor sports are about as straight as a dog’s hind leg.
Pittsburgh Post-Gaz.(PA) 17 Mar. 22/2: Professional boxing has often given the impression of being as straight as a dog’s hind leg.
Dly Spectrum (Saint George, UT) 1 Nov. 6/7: Illinois politics [...] play about as straight as a dog’s hind leg.
straight bit of goods (n.)

see separate entry.