1800 ‘Jolly Jack of Dover’ in Jovial Songster 77: But says I, back avast there, my dear, I’m not so eager.at avast!, excl.
1800 ‘Lovely Nan’ in Jovial Songster 52: In the bilboes I was pen’d / For serving of a worthless friend.at bilbo, n.
1800 ‘British Fair’ in Jovial Songster 35: The bumpers fill’d, the toast shall be, / ‘British Fair, with three times three’.at bumper, n.2
1800 ‘The Tight Little Island’ Jovial Songster 55: These proud puff’d up cakes thought to make ducks and drakes / Of our wealth, but they scarcely could spy land.at cake, n.1
1800 ‘Bundle of Proverbs’ in Jovial Songster 64: ’Tis true, I can’t sing like the smarts of the town (hum!) / But I now and then chaunt out a stave of my own.at chant, v.
1800 ‘The Sailors Consolation’ in Jovial Songster 45: Life’s cable must one day or other be parted.at cut one’s cable (v.) under cut, v.2
1800 ‘The Tight Little Island’ in Jovial Songster 54: Then a very great war-man, called Billy the Norman, / Cried, damn it, I never lik’d my land.at damn it!, excl.
1800 ‘Jolly Jack of Dover’ Jovial Songster 77: Down you go to Davy Jones, and learn from him to dive now.at Davy Jones’s locker, n.
1800 ‘The Tight Little Island’ in Jovial Songster 54: He kick’d up a dust in the island.at kick up (a) dust (v.) under dust, n.
1800 ‘Jolly Jack of Dover’ in Jovial Songster 77: Perhaps you’re a French fire ship, so sink me if I speak ye.at fireship, n.
1800 ‘Britannia’s Sons at Sea’ in Jovial Songster 5: Great guns I scarce could hold, / To find that I was flung.at fling, v.
1800 ‘Lads of the Ocean’ in Jovial Songster 80: What matters your ditties, your jokes, and narrations / Of lawyers, and doctors still making your game, / With your gallipots, parchments, and clients, and patients.at gallipot, n.
1800 ‘Britannia’s Sons at Sea’ Jovial Songster 5: Great guns I scarce could hold, / To find that I was flung.at great guns! (excl.) under great...!, excl.
1800 ‘Britannia’s Sons at Sea’ in Jovial Songster 4: When we’re not afloat / ’Tis quite another thing, / We strike to petticoat, / Get groggy, dance and sing.at groggy, adj.
1800 ‘Bundle of Proverbs’ Jovial Songster 65: A thousand hot words will not sour good beer.at hot, adj.
1800 ‘Abraham Newland’ Jovial Songster 70: The French say they’re coming, but sure they are humming.at hum, v.1
1800 ‘Signal’s Gave’ in Jovial Songster 50: Jack sings yo heave ho, / He braves the dangers of the main.at jack, n.5
1800 ‘Britannia’s Sons at Sea’ Jovial Songster 5: I once to sea did go, / Return’d, she cry’d by Jove, / I’m marry’d, dearest Joe.at by Jove! (excl.) under Jove, n.
1800 ‘When First From Kilkenny’ in Jovial Songster 71: A rude press-gang assail’d me, / And tho’ I tipp’d them leg bail, my jewel, soon nail’d me.at leg bail (n.) under leg, n.
1800 ‘Tight Little Island’ in Jovial Songster 54: By Dane, Saxon, or Pict, we ne’er had been lick’d.at licked, adj.
1800 ‘Song’ Jovial Songster 11: Why the rhyno we work hard for you know; / Not to hoard it like lubbers, but spend it, boys, like men.at lubber, n.
1800 ‘When First From Kilkenny’ Jovial Songster 71: A rude press-gang assail’d me, / And tho’ I tipp’d them leg bail, my jewel, soon nail’d me.at nail, v.
1800 ‘The Sailors Consolation’ in Jovial Songster 45: He’s popp’d off the hooks, and we ne’er see him more!at pop off the hooks (v.) under pop off, v.1
1800 ‘All On Board’ Jovial Songster 32: Why d’ye see ’tis palaver, my girl, nothing more.at palaver, n.
1800 ‘Pray Remember Jack’ in Jovial Songster 84: Propp’d with a wooden peg, / Poll I thought would bid me pack.at peg, n.1
1800 ‘Britannia’s Sons at Sea’ Jovial Songster 4: When we’re not afloat / ’Tis quite another thing, / We strike to petticoat, / Get groggy, dance and sing.at petticoat, n.