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Mankind choose

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[UK] Mankind line 338: newgyse nowadays. he that schtyth wyth hys hoyll cetera nought. But he wyppe hys ars clen cetera.
at arse, n.
[UK] Mankind line 639: Of murder & man slawter I haue my bely fyll.
at bellyful (n.) under belly, n.
[UK] Mankind in Farmer Lost Tudor Plays (1907) 22: The devil may dance in my purse for any penny; It is as clean as a bird’s arse.
at clean, adj.
[UK] Mankind line 390: By cokkys body sakyrde I haue such a peyn in my arme.
at cock, n.1
[UK] Mankind line 338: newgyse nowadays. he that schtyth wyth hys hoyll cetera nought. But he wyppe hys ars clen cetera.
at hole, n.1
[UK] Mankind line 348: mankynde. he yow hens felouse wyth bredynge leue yowr deryson & yowr Iaping.
at jape, v.
[UK] Mankind line 429: neu gyse. A lasse master a lasse my privyte my privyte [...] Ye shall not choppe my Iewellys.
at jewel, n.
[UK] Mankind line 620: Myscheff is a convicte for he coude hys neke verse [...] A lass he wyll hange.
at neck verse (n.) under neck, n.
[UK] Mankind line 429: neu gyse. A lasse master a lasse my privyte my privity [...] Ye shall not choppe my Iewellys.
at private, n.
[UK] Mankind in Farmer Lost Tudor Plays (1907) 28: Me seemeth ye haue sco[u]red a pair of fetters.
at scour, v.1
[UK] Mankind in Macro Plays line 125: I prey yow hertyly, worschypp[f]ull clerke: / I haue etun a dysch full of curdis, / And I haue schetun yowr mowth full of turdis.
at shit, v.
[UK] Mankind line 782: How sey ye ser my bolte is schett.
at shoot one’s bolt (v.) under shoot, v.
[UK] Mankind in Macro Plays line 140: If ye wyll putt yowr nose in hys wyffys sokett, / Ye shall haue forty days of pardon.
at socket, n.
[UK] Mankind line 132: I haue etun a dyschfull of curdys Ande I haue shetun yowr mowth full of turdys.
at turd, n.
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