1934 S.N. Behrman Three Plays 157: They fall all over themselves to buy the stock. You can’t print the paper fast enough.at fall over oneself (v.) under fall, v.1
1980 S. Baku ‘Revo’ in Three Plays (1984) II i: No I and I business! Cigar is a lift! Destabilisation is a spliff!at I and I, n.
1980 Shango Baku ‘Revo’ in Three Plays (1984) II i: Maybe we draw a picture, eh? [...] small weedy spliff-man, eh?at spliffhead (n.) under spliff, n.
1984 M. Pinero Three Plays 17: You gotta jump stink right quick on the place, because you think everybody is out to make you or take something away from you.at jump stink (v.) under jump, v.
1984 S. Baku ‘One Bad Casa’ Three Plays I iii: I’m dying to have a piss. Where’s the W.C.?at piss, n.
1984 S. Baku ‘One Bad Casa’ in Three Plays I ii: Why don’t you check out the scene here, man.at scene, n.
1984 S. Baku ‘One Bad Casa’ in Three Plays I iii: What’s a nice guy like me doin among these sharks.at shark, n.
1984 S. Baku ‘Ruby My Dear’ in Three Plays I i: Man you is something else.at something else! (excl.) under something, n.
1984 S. Baku ‘One Bad Casa’ in Three Plays I ii: Wha happen star? You stayin in dis town?at star, n.1