Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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The Official Sloane Ranger Handbook choose

Quotation Text

[UK] Barr & York Sloane Ranger Hbk 158: bollock n. Ball, as in hunt bollock, charity bollock.
at ballock, n.
[UK] Barr & York Sloane Ranger Hbk 158: banging his bishop v. Masturbate (males).
at bang one’s bishop (v.) under bishop, n.2
[UK] Barr & York Sloane Ranger Hbk 158: Fast black n. London taxi cab.
at fast black (n.) under black, n.
[UK] Barr & York Sloane Ranger Hbk 158: bumph n. Paper. As ‘Why does the Ministry send out all this bumph?’ or ‘Have you any writing bumph?’.
at bumf, n.
[UK] Barr & York Sloane Ranger Hbk 158: bun-fight n. Crowded party where you have to fight to get something to eat.
at bunfight (n.) under bun, n.3
[UK] Barr & York Sloane Ranger Hbk 158: chateaued adj. Sloshed on wine.
at chateaued, adj.
[UK] Barr & York Sloane Ranger Hbk 158: clutch n. Dance, as in ‘Come and have a clutch, Caroline’.
at clutch, n.
[UK] Barr & York Sloane Ranger Hbk 158: crumbly n. Sloanes aged 50–70, beyond wrinkly.
at crumbly, n.
[UK] Barr & York Sloane Ranger Hbk 158: DOM n. Dirty old man.
at d.o.m., n.
[UK] Barr & York Sloane Ranger Hbk 158: Interior decorating n. Sex in the daytime.
at interior decorating, n.
[UK] Barr & York Sloane Ranger Hbk 158: dinky n. A big car.
at dinky, n.3
[UK] Barr & York Sloane Ranger Hbk 158: dusty n. Really old Sloanes, aged 70 to The Finish.
at dusty, n.2
[UK] Barr & York Sloane Ranger Hbk 158: elbow n. ‘She gave me the big E’. Used by young Sloanes to mean she told me to go away.
at big E (n.) under elbow, n.1
[UK] Barr & York Sloane Ranger Hbk 158: fodder n. Nicely cooked food.
at fodder, n.1
[UK] Barr & York Sloane Ranger Hbk 158: good doer n. Probably doesn’t do good, but has a good appetite and is healthy.
at good-doer (n.) under good, adj.1
[UK] Barr & York Sloane Ranger Hbk 158: grockle n. An outsider, an oik, a weed.
at grockle, n.
[UK] Barr & York Sloane Ranger Hbk 158: gucky adj. Makes you feel sick.
at gucky, adj.
[UK] Barr & York Sloane Ranger Hbk 158: Call for Hughie v. Vomit.
at call (for) Hughie (v.) under Hughie, n.
[UK] Barr & York Sloane Ranger Hbk 158: Jew’s canoe n. Jaguar.
at Jew canoe (n.) under Jew, adj.
[UK] Barr & York Sloane Ranger Hbk 158: Jewy Louis adj. The kind of interior decoration Sloanes don’t like.
at Jewy Louis, n.
[UK] Barr & York Sloane Ranger Hbk 158: jungly adj. Disorganised, unsmart. ‘Went to a jungly hunter trial last weekend.’.
at jungly, adj.
[UK] Barr & York Sloane Ranger Hbk 158: killing adj. Funny (older Sloanes).
at killing, adj.
[UK] Barr & York Sloane Ranger Hbk 159: MTF adj. Must touch flesh. Female description of an octopus Sloane.
at m.t.f., n.
[UK] Barr & York Sloane Ranger Hbk 159: OTT adj. Over the top—outrageous. Usually ‘absolutely’ or ‘totally OTT’.
at o.t.t., adj.
[UK] Barr & York Sloane Ranger Hbk 158: Sloanes have lots of words for anger and its consequence, some of them doggy. ‘Saw red.’ ‘Tore him off a strip’ [etc.].
at tear off a strip (v.) under tear off, v.2
[UK] Barr & York Sloane Ranger Hbk 158: Sloanes have lots of words for anger and its consequence,[...] ‘Gave him a ticking off’ [etc.].
at tick off, n.
[UK] Barr & York Sloane Ranger Hbk 159: Park a custard v. Vomit.
at park a custard (v.) under park, v.
[UK] Barr & York Sloane Ranger Hbk 159: pissed it v. ‘It pissed it’ equals won the horse-race easily.
at piss it (in) (v.) under piss, v.
[UK] Barr & York Sloane Ranger Hbk 159: ringburner n. The results of a heavy curry the morning after.
at ringburner (n.) under ring, n.
[UK] Barr & York Sloane Ranger Hbk 159: Riveting adj. So interesting you sat still and shut up for a few minutes. ‘I was riveted to hear about Julian’s divorce.’.
at riveted, adj.
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