at slick-a-dee, n.
at half-a-surprise, n.
at abaa, adj.
at abishag, n.
at abraham grains, n.
at abraham’s willing, n.
at abram suit (n.) under abram, n.
at abram work (n.) under abram, n.
at abscotchalater, n.
at academy, n.
at acceleration, n.
at fanny adams, n.1
at adept, n.
at adept, n.
at adonee, n.
at afflictions, n.
at affygraphy, n.
at half past kissing time (and time to kiss again), phr.
at agitate the communicator (v.) under agitate, v.
at agitator, n.
at Albany beef, n.
at catch ’em (all) alive-o, n.
at flirtina cop-all, n.
at all nations, n.
at allo, adj.
at ally-beg, n.
at ammunition leg, n.
at broad and shallow, n.
at currants and plums, n.
at sticks and stones, n.1
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